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why to wait to reach a destination?

Authorwhy to wait to reach a destination?
hi guys.. i always found a reason behind any feature of LWM or had an answer to be convinced about. But the thing i dont understand is - why should we wait 2 mins to reach from yellow lake to east bay? or from point 1 to point 2 ?

those who like to do a lot of mercs wud feel it, cuz that really bores up or make them unwilling to do such quests.

is there a reason behind this?
It is for the benefit of thieves
Makes for risky travelling. Along the there's a chance you might be ambushed by members of the Thieves Guild. If an ambush occurs, you go into combat, and losing the fight will result in you losing some gold.

Also makes for better market opportunities for people who travel around the map and buy the stuff available only at one location and then sell it on the market.
that i know but thieves can ambush only travellers from yellow lake to another place isnt it?
Nope. They can ambush you at each route. Although Yellow Lake is the most used.
Well, when thief has set an ambush, he could easily ambush you even if travel was instant. I am not sure why is this feature here. But dont expect it to go away..
GC->yellow lake, East bay-> yellow lake, Misty coast->yellow lake,blooming glade->yellow lake..whenever you travel to yellow lake..you have the risk to ambushed by someone..

even you travel from GC to yellow lake..when a thief set an ambush east bay->yellow lake you still have the chance ambushed by that player
for Omega22:
If travel were instant, a thief could not stalk a particular traveler anymore. I've noticed a higher probability of ambushing a player that you've interacted more with, like someone you've hunted with, or someone who ambushed you before, or you ambushed before. To cut story short, my feeling was that stalking is a feature planned by the developers. Instant travel would eliminate stalking.

for moro88:
You can ambush only players that travel on the route you've set up the ambush for (either direction). And vice-versa, you can be ambushed only by thieves that ambush on the route you travel (either direction).
And there is no safe route on the map: you can ambush or be ambushed on any route.
Actually I believe instant traveling would remove ambushing period, even caravan ambushes. Due to lag instant traveling would not trigger thief ambushes.

for moro88:
Ambushes are only effective for each route (both directions). If you have proof of even you travel from GC to yellow lake..when a thief set an ambush east bay->yellow lake you still have the chance ambushed by that playe, then I would like to see it.
i got the point but 2 mins is too much isnt it?
they'll probably bring in a premium account later which will include instant travel ;)
lol wish they wud atleast come here.
Obviously, as Omega22 already stated, this 'feature' is not here because of thieving. I will cover below how it may affect thieving, in my opinion.

First of all, if there was no waiting time for traveling, we might have as well had one single region since you would instantly be anywhere you want to buy anything you want, to do quests anywhere you want, to enroll any place you want at any time being pointless to separate the world into such useless pseudo-regions.

So, having separate regions, there had to be a motivation for people to not travel all the time for the reasons said above. Having a gold cost for traveling would've probably reduced the number of people traveling pretty much, so they decided to hit you were you are already 'open' to pay with: your own real life time.

Also, it is for the 'realism' of this feature. We all now traveling takes some time. Unless of course they'd make some 'Dimension door' world spell, that would use some of your mana instead of your time, but then again, you'd have to wait for your mana to recover in order to use it the spell, paying with real life time, that is.

Now, back to thieving, it clearly would not prevent thieves from having their ambushes triggered if there was no traveling time. But imagine a world where you can travel anytime, anywhere, instantly, without any type of cost - there would always be someone to travel triggering ambushes because it would be so easy to travel. If there is any impact of this waiting time for traveling on thieving, it is to make the thief's caravans getting triggered less often.
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