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Authoreveryone for one battles(4)
in these fights if the no. of players r three the last one must not be allowed to enter the fight as this makes it a 2 vs 1
it becomes a unfair fight for the one who is alone
isn't it?
8. Temporary treaties in 'Everyone for oneself' (or Blindfold battles) are not forbidden. If two or three players unite for eliminating the fourth - it is not a game rules violation. But consider that this rule does not permit participating the same combat with additional characters or from one computer

If you don't want to take part in such unfair then organize the GB properly before you start. Ask a few players of your level if they want to do an EFO, so you'll have enough players where they won't feel the need to team up :)
That's the way EFOs play out. If you want teams, join a GB combat. For better EFOs try joining one of the any number of clans that help organize GBs.
it might be unfair, but it isnt considered illegal.

try to organize a agreement with another player to take down the others first.
2 vs 1 is better than 3 v 1 right? For the singled out of course.
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