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Authorextra recruitment?
heard about it. but i dont seem to get even 1 more skel from the recruitment page... are knights and necros not given any?
As a necro you can bring up to 170 skeletons from your reserve to the battle.
AS a lvl 14 demon there is no change
as a level 11 necro there is no change before and after update...
None for WIzards?
wizards got 2 extra genies on lvl 12
and what about barbs. ?
Wizards got a couple of troops at level 11, I don't remember how many.
One extra griff and 3 more xbows (level 13 knight) and nothing for lvl 12 barb.
1 extra horse for a level 10 demon
what for elves and knghts ??
elves lvl 11 no change
12 lvl barb no change...
Morphius, there was not extra recruitement for lvl 10 Demon...had always 9 horses:
https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=24627976 (10-06-10 02:23:) and update was: Grand Update 2 10.19, 12:20
Conclusion - no change for 10 demon
lvl 10 elf, one more unicorn :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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