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AuthorBlack Ops
hi,guys,i am forming a legal group of trackers,i have taken due permission,i need presicely 10 people.

presicely i repeat.

we are going to track down cheaters.since i cant do this alone ,i need 10 people not more not less
u want to come?
ur in.
one more thing,before joining think urself if ur upto it,its tougher than it sounds,also if any one in his/her settings has changed,his mail settings to (i do not wish to receive mails from under this level) please remove it.
PM me,if u wanna join.
[Player banned by moderator Slynky until 2010-11-05 12:27:04 // Local rule 6.1 - Bumping - Warning]

1.This section is for clans only.
2.The problem of cheaters is not that they are not reported, but actions are not taken very quickly in C&A section, so more reports doesnt really help anything.
3.There is already an official clan of "Juries" for this purpose, with people that are instructed by administration to process cheater report.
4.Have fun playing the game, let those with power change it to become better. There is really not much a player can do in this matter.
closed by Slynky (2010-11-05 23:25:59)
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