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Author | Zombies 1001: How do we survive in an apocalyptic world? |
I have just watched the incredibly nonsensical Resident Evil: Afterlife (although still enjoyable). So, how about a discussion thread on how to survive in an apocalyptic zombie-infested world? :D
Several assumptions must be made, though, to make sure we are on the same wavelength:
- Zombies are dumb
- Zombies are slow but vicious
- Zombies only die if their brain is destroyed
- Once they bite you, you turn into a zombie too (gasp..)
- 90% of the world's population are zombiefied
- You are one of 10% still-human ones
Any suggestions on how to make a impregnable fortress with everyday tools and hardware, with logical explanations are appreciated. How to kill off zombies at a distance (cookies for suggestions without using a gun), what gear to wear, how to make zombie traps (>:)), what warning signs must we watch out for a zombie ambush etc etc... Constructive opinions on all suggestions are also welcomed :)
Who knows, this thread might be useful someday... | lol | To make a simple zombie trap (place it at a chokepoint, like a doorway):
First, find a metal shaft (preferably with a sharp end) and plant it just behind a door. Next, string a piece a cloth half a feet high tightly across the doorway entrance, so as to trip the zombie. Zombie bursts through door, Zombie trips over, Zombie gets skewered, you smash zombie's head with a an object of your choice. You live for another minute :P | Watch all Romero's "living dead" movies, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Shaun of the Dead, The Evil Dead, the new series "Walking dead" , etc to get some ideas :)
For a complete zombie movies list check here:
Enjoy :D | i know!!!
we draw straws everyday,and the loser(s) gets to get tied to the back of a car.after that,we put a brick on the pedal or something like that and the car will drive off by itself,and since zombies are dumb,they'll follow...:p
it'll work...until we run out of people to tie to cars...then,we just wait to die XD | I know!
Best thing is to camouflage ourselves, like Bill Murray in ''Zombieland''.
Zombies are dumb they will never notice. The only problem is the other 10% of the trigger-happy still-human population :(
On the side note, I think that this thread is racial and it provokes hatred towards zombies. We should also make a guide for zombies too. The title could be something like this:
''So, you are a zombie, and you like brrrain'' | Sorry for the double post,
Best thing is to camouflage ourselves as zombies, like Bill Murray in ''Zombieland''. | Become Necromancers and control them :p | Just read the book "Zombie survival guide" by max brooks... it covers next to all zombie situations and issues... | Just read the book "Zombie survival guide" by max brooks... it covers next to all zombie situations and issues...
+1 - and it's hilarious to boot. | The solution is simple. You treat this like any other world ending disaster.
1. Get away from disaster. *
2. Stay holed up in your shelter. (must be defensive, self-sufficient, etc.)
3. Have enough food/water/other necessities.
4. Live your life forever there or long enough to wait out the disaster.
*Only special note is to check your group for infected humans that have yet to turn into zombies. Since the assumption is that there is no cure and no way to stop the infected to turn into zombies, you need to find and kill/get rid of all infected humans in your group. | I think nowdays most people would just roll with it, and got themself bitten. Just like *Insert popular social networking site here*. | Oh yeah, I forgot to add details for the group. In any survival scenario it would immensely help if your group is full of strong (mind and body), skilled, and low maintenance people. Traitors, self-serving people, resource hoarders, the weak, the useless, etc. are very very bad.
- 90% of the world's population are zombiefied
- You are one of 10% still-human ones
My first thoughts were to hide; but upon reading this again. This seems like a very high % of humans left. With this number of humans left, proper leadership and organization, and resources a plan can be made to kill off all the zombies. The major factor for zombies is that they have numbers on their side. If a large group of people advance and comb through zombie territory, they can slowly find and kill all zombies.
Any suggestions on how to make a impregnable fortress with everyday tools and hardware, with logical explanations are appreciated.
Assuming world infrastructure is down: no running water, electricity, mass transit, etc. Then we are talking about living in an undeveloped world. So the best bet is a low population area with a defensible position such as a mountain pass with a river. A large nearby cave system would be ideal as well. Seeing as zombies don't have super strength or use tools, then primitive "gates" can be put up at all chokepoints, entrances, and exits.
Of course if you are stuck in the large cities, then any large building with multiple rooms and doors would also be great shelters.
How to kill off zombies at a distance (cookies for suggestions without using a gun)
Obviously a long range weapon like a gun would be best. I guess other weapons could be cannons, tanks, missles, etc. But traps could also be made: pitfalls, spikes, electrified fences (if you have electricity), fire (can be used to burn buildings or cities of zombies), and in absence of remote control technology you can get cars/trucks stuck to drive in a circle to mow down zombies.
what gear to wear,
For protection a hazmat suit with body armor. But that's not practical, so regular clothes with garbages and gloves would work in a jiffy to prevent things like blood splatter infecting you. Also to protect the head/face: helmets, masks, goggles.
what warning signs must we watch out for a zombie ambush
Not really necessary. But warning signs against your traps would be nice even though you probably don't need to hide your traps since zombies are dumb. Only warning signs about zombies should be that they exist now, some details on zombie strength/weaknesses, and in what general area are the masses of zombies located at. Any smart person would realize that zombie ambushes could happen at any area in which you can't see around you. Zombies are slow, but any location where they can hide/take you by surprise should be watched. | Can zombies swim? You can make a barge or something if they cant?
Can zombies climb? You could hide on a big rock..
I guess running away in a solar powered car is out of the question, since they are as fast as those zombies you are getting away from.(Because I guess the gas stations dont work, because they become zombified first so you can fry lots of zombies there) :-D | Can zombies swim? You can make a barge or something if they cant?
Great idea, but not that feasible. Since supplies would be heavy and you will need a lot of space.
solar poweredfry
Good idea here. If we prepare in advance, we can create solar powered shelter with electrified fences. Of course the solar panels need to be big and you need high capacity batteries. We don't want the zombie horde to overload the fences when they mindlessly rush forward.
And for rich people or large organizations they can create huge underground complexes. Large solar arrays could be created above ground and also far from the area as backup. The underground complex would have lots of supplies and could be very self-sufficient with greenhouses and water purification systems. | Poor creatures, you people want to kill them and drive them out of their natural habitat (wherever that may be). What kind of people are you? You make me sick!
You should be reported to PETZ (People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies) for cruelty to zombies.
FREEDOM FOR ZOMBIES!!! | heres the zombie survival guide for you :P | For Pantheon's #13 & #15, great poast!
for DrMr:
Are you patient zero for the zombie virus? :P | A test u can survive or not.
Make your decision! :P | I think if he new who is his customer and how big... eyes she got, he would just run over that guy and wouldn't even stop.
for Kiz
No, I'm not. I'm just a regular guy with rotting flesh, taste for brrrains, and dreams of world domination. |
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