Author | help in understanding players English |
Read the original context it was used in. The guy who got the ban was just confused and was asking what was going on and repeated what was written, most likely not knowing what the intent was. The guy who said son of a beach was intending it to be an insult, plain and simple. |
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Inappropriate comment & full caps] |
Sorry, should be just "Inappropriate comment". |
OK, no more insulting your mothers` professions, ok? :)
If you cant see "actor"`s sentence as insulting, good for you. I can. And Lukasz was penalised due to a mistake. Nothing more, nothing less to see around this case.
Its not particular word or set of words that are insulting. As I explained earlier. Its the way you use them.
Retarded = mentally challenged
Idiot = older classification of mental illness, not used today anymore
Put those together along with naming few human body parts and aim it at someone and you got a nice insult. :-) |
i knew this was gonna least thanks for not banning me |
Believe me or not, I have quite a book of insults (the word vocabulary is not enough to describe that), and English is one of the poorest language in that matter.
If one threatens you with a toy gun, would you take it as life threat? Wouldn't you laugh at that one? It's the same case here. If one tries to insult you, but makes a fool of himself/herself, would you consider that an insult or you would laugh at that attempt of insult. Moreover, if you press charges that someone threatened you with a toy gun, would any judge take you seriously? And here we reach my subject: should anyone feel himself offended by a failing attempt of insult? Moreover, shouldn't admins see the difference in between such cases and the real cases of insult?
I am not judging the admins, I just want to know (and I think it's not only me here) what represents a masked insult? I know that some abbreviations are considered masked foul language, but, still, saying "what the heck" it's not considered a mask for a foul language even if it is. So, why "son of beach" or (in the case of what I got) "sun of the beach" should be considered as masked foul language? They are just failing attempts of foul language and they are to be laugh at and not subject of punishment.
At the end of the day, guys and girls, don't forget this is a game and we need to loosen up a bit and not to be so serious. :) |
heck= a mild exclamation of surprise, irritation, etc.
what the heck = a synonym for "what the hell"
Also check:
Hence: what the heck: Not an insult. Not even a masked one :P |
If one threatens you with a toy gun, would you take it as life threat?
Dont try it at a bank.
But yes, I agree, some people are easily insultable by things I wouldnt consider insulting in casual conversation or things too childish to even give it any response.:-) |
#27: Those dictionaries... ;) (Go and ask in any bar about what that can mask. You will be asked as I was: "are you a man or a" sorry, I cannot write the word here "? If you are a man, say it straight without hiding the words!"). |
Dont try it at a bank.
I wouldn't like to make a fool of myself. :D |
You should go in an airport and scream as loud as your lungs can bear it: "BOOMMMB!!!!...."
Make sure you've got nothing planned for the next few days/weeks, cuz you'll spend them in the police section. Oh, and that only assuming there wasn't any!...
if you press charges that someone threatened you with a toy gun, would any judge take you seriously?
Even a joke can kill! Imagine a weak heart of the one you pointing the toy gun at. Would you be responsible for his death? You bet! |
#29: I get my info from the dictionaries. You get it from the bars. That's the only difference... |
"are you a man or a"
What does the man-ness has to do with it? And even if it did, why do you assume I'm a man???...
Oh, you were talking about my character??? Yeah!, I've sent him to the Inn in East Bay, and he asked around:
Everyone agreed with my version... :P :P |
LordsWM is,I love thread like this so much fun to read and LOL really loudly.
@_@ I am turning like Modi :P (No offense) |
Like it or not this game has strict policies regarding cursing (there are many under-aged playing this game). Personally I don't like it too much too, but I respect it as I don't go on cursing rampages when my young nephews/cousins are around.
You can speak freely with your friends in a battle, at pms or private chat calling each other what you want as there will be no claim there :) You can also talk in every way you like in skype/msn/etc. |
@26 I think I mentioned before that I have had some pretty entertaining stuff in my private mail. I don't send that stuff on to the secretary, as it doesn't bother me, but the rules are there.
The intent is to be insulting. As that is the intent and the person reading it can pick up the intent, then they have broken the rules. Pretty simple. Some people may think the rules are too strict, but this discussion isn't about are the rules right or wrong, but is more talking about how the rules affected this case. |
OK, guys... and girls. I think everybody have now an idea about the general opinion here (meaning, how loosely we can be with or how hard we can stretch the rules). Thank you all for keeping an amused air writing in this thread and for sharing your thoughts.
Don't forget to smile from time to time! :) |
I am glad you finally found some free time, although I though you'd use it for some better purpose than flaming a discussion which purpose wasn't even proving anything to yourself, let alone to anyone else.
Freedom of speech is welcome and supported by us long as it isn't abused. That's when the staff turns into implacable butchers with grim faces, and I will be the first one to send a huge ban hammer into the head of anyone who abuses our time and patience.
Now as to that case, it has already been made clear. There was a human error, the one guilty of serious violation and the one guilty of minor one got mixed up. The one who made a minor one went forward and broke a couple more rules by beginning to clarify his relations with admins in the forum. Moreover, he didn't do the first thing he was supposed to do: report to the Secretary. I do not see why he, after all that happened, should have more sympathies than the one accused of blasphemy.
Wrong formulation? Indeed. I plead guilty as charged. My private mail, as well as that of any other staff members, is open for your thoughts, suggestions and complaints. |
closed by Arctic (2010-12-01 03:21:52) |