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theres a nature spell called summon elementals.can sˆomebody gimme the sˆtatsˆ of all elementals so that i may decide wether to take the nature book....
That's not a problem on the moment for you, because that's lv14 spell. 10more levels for you to go.
And on second, you can't decide which elementals you summon. It's random.
Summon elementals
Mana cost 17 (Level 4)
Summons a random stack of elementals of Fire, Water, Earth or Air. The amount of creatures summoned depends on Lord's spell power. There can only be one stack of summoned elementals on the battlefield per summoner at any moment of combat.
Amount = 1+1*Spell power
Amount = 2+2*Spell power
arey but it wil atleasˆt sˆave my 16 talent pointˆs if i know they are not powerul enough.now will ˆsomeody take pain to gimme the creature profile of thosˆe elemeentalz.
arey but it wil atleasˆt sˆave my 16 talent pointˆs

Well, you can think about saving points for this spells in then levels. Keep in mind that you can ALWAYS reset your talentpoints and put them somewhere else.
(I believe that they cast the ice clod spell)
ooh earth and water ˆseem to be powerful...thanksˆ anyway
closed by Lord Patrickou (2010-12-03 19:12:13)
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