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AuthorIs this a cheater, and can I report him?
No one I know, have read/heard sleeps on average on 3 hours a day for almost 2 years, sleeping disorder or not.
I think you're missing something. Enrolling 20,66 times per day does not equal sleeping only 3-4 hours per day (for an extended period of time). It does however involve sacrificing some REM-sleep every day.

For all we know, this person sleeps an average of 12 hours per day, not just in one go. He sleeps for an hour or so, wakes up, enrolls, goes back to sleep. Repeat.

person falling sick (very likely if you sleep 3-4 hours a day for 2 years !)
I wonder what falling sick has anything to do with activity? When you're sick, you're at home, next to your computer. For all we know this could be the reason the person is ABLE to be online all the time. He has a prolonged sickness (depression or worse) and recieve some money from the government while he is supposed to be recovering. (Do note that lack of proper sleep can cause depression and worse!)

times when there's no PC/internet be your side (hard to imagine anyone having a PC by his side every waking hour of his life for almost 2 years)
To start off with, you don't need a PC at your side any longer. These days cellphones with an internet-connection that work just as good as a PC when it comes to enrolling. And I find it unlikely that these days someone has been without his cellphone longer than an hour each day if he's addicted to enrolling.
Also, during my most active time (I have to keep coming back to that, since I was an "undead" as you call them) I was never away from a computer. At work, I sat by a computer. At home I had three. I mainly visited friends that had computers. My parents didn't have a computer at the time, but their neighbour did.

It sounds like I'm defending this person, but I'm actually not. I'm just pointing out the possibilities. You are all dead certain he has to be a cheater. I don't argue the possibility that he is one. Apart from myself, I don't know anyone that have dedicated, or would dedicate his body to a game that way.
i have enroll rate at 11.5 per day.
I sleeping max 6-7 hours per day. Sometime only 5.
So, up to 15-18 enrolls per day is possible.
guys pls remember there are (very) rare cases of no sleep at all over years. Thats a sickness that I forgot its name :p

I'm a pretty agressive enroller, but this particular lvl 9 is suprisingly good. My hat off to him :p
"Insomnia" is probably what you're talking about. Tends to make people slightly insane, somewhat crazed and generally looney though. ^_^

My own enroll/day rate is 3,5 btw. I ish awesomist!
My own enroll/day rate is 3,5
interesting maths you got there.
maybe bot? or 2 people
my dear all friends, reading your posts and the header, only the post #8 is accurate, all others are specualtions (good or fake). I can understand the way of the thread is going but remind the fact "we" are not admins and we must not forget this.
i think its anything imposible if you live in Russia :)
I have use enroll-alarm on my PDA. Joey_the_Bot was born for collect game statistics ONLY!!! There are no transfers between me and Joey_the_Bot...
Yes. Im laborer fanatic:P But I have use enroll-alram. I have no transders between me and Joey_the_Bot. And _Galandriel_ is my real brother. He also using enroll-alarm powered by me.
i think it's anything impossible if you live in Russia :)

people, whoever i trying to report all the cheaters, don't be so jealous.

personally, i can't afford myself such a dedication to enroll 20 times per day, but when the codes were not in flash and my cellphone can read them, i've enrolled about 18-20 times, without playing much (and it was before workaholic penalty as well). although i skipped weekends with "only" 10-15 times and i can't do it any longer from the cellphone. besides there are much more other things in RL to care about, but i can understand those who can spend every hour to check the LG, we all have our own priorities in the life, so do not judge....
@ Joey_the_Ripper

I am sorry to say this but i still don’t believe you, but as said many times it’s not up to me, it’s up to the admins.

I also use a timer to enrol, and a HTC desire to enrol when I am AFK.I could easily be higher but I still think 20,66 is too high for so long duration of time… People, all people have moments when they can’t enrol or are being delayed (both by computer or other means) this can be because of:

Downtime on Lordswm.com
Extended enrol time to 1h05m
In transit
Human error, forget, wrong code
No jobs
Battles taking longer than expected (Especially ambush)
There is properly many more but this was just to give a quick example…

Finally let me be clear. I have no doubt you can enrol 20+ times a day, I have done it b4 myself, I was awake 30-35 hours recently where I enrolled constantly. But I don’t think people can do it over a long extended period. Everybody got some obligation or connection to society that makes it impossible to live 100% dedicated to lordswm by REM sleep and living isolated.
ok since both of you are speaking in this thread i will suggest you to go on via PM and avoiding public way. Up to you to report if you want.

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