Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles-->
Author | More stats than normal, and give gold to anouther account. |
This is wrong cuz he is barbarian like me level 3 too...
And he got 6 attack.. With a item that gives only +1 attack..
How we have 5 Attack if, i with same faction, and same level, don't have it.
(Screen Shoot 1)
I got attack 6 with a item that gives +2. Look.
And i have all my level points only with attack, nothing else.
(Screen Shoot 2)
And he also gives money, for anouther account, (banned account)
(Screen Shoot 3)
Thats all, the point is impossible at this level, or he is doing some bug, or i want one more point too. [Player banned by moderator cantbstopped until 2010-12-20 18:07:12 // Posting in wrong section + screenshots are not the evidence of violation] | You should provide a link to the character you are talking about.
The difference is the extra level of Hunters Guild that Craft1k possesses.
Craft1k has ~ 1 attack inherent, 2 attack from levels 2 & 3, 1 attack from weapon, 2 attack from Hunters Guild.
You have ~ 1 attack inherent, 2 attack from levels 2 & 3, 1 attack from weapon, 1 attack from Hunters Guild.
Grunge | Apologies, you have 2 attack from your weapon, to give you the same attack as Craft1k.
You can read about the parameter (and other) bonuses you get from the various guilds here.
It is possible that the money transferred was a loan, or a gift. One such instance doesn't really constitute financial assistance (especially since it confirms with general rule 3.14.1, which can be found here -
Have Fun
Grunge | *Sigh*
Link for guild bonuses -
Grunge | Warning!
This section is only for:
¤ Insults in battles, tavern, private mail. Swearing, rudeness, threats, flood.
¤ Staged combats, paid-for combats, deliberate loses, bad sportsmanship, giveaway combats.
¤ Flood and insults in transfer log.
For all other applications author will receive a ban (for posting in wrong section) Screenshots are not evidence of violation! | closed by Lord cantbstopped (2010-12-19 21:06:41) |
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