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AuthorTransfers between main and secondary account
I have lvl 2 secondary account, and would like to get light axe with it. Problem is that lvl 2 chars cant use market and it isn very hard to get wood and ore without market. Can i use my main char to buy light axe from market and sell it to my alt account with market price, or is this consired as illegal transfer?
Doesn't matter what you're trying to achieve. Just don't do it.
you also cant send artifacts to a lev2
so just wait until he is lev3 and then buy it yourself

(you dont need artifacts at all until 5 actually)
go to great capital and buy wood and ore its not that hard
It would be an illegal transfer on grounds of main-multi support. I think you can just buy the wood from the sawmill easily and purchase your axe, or just pay the price people on the market are asking for.

Side note: why waste gold? You won't need arts till level 5. Save your gold.
closed by Soturi570 (2010-12-30 04:22:47)
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