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AuthorDemon Faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
For example, gate 1 imp on the seventh square in front of a rogue and move your wolfhounds 1 square left or right and one square down from the gated or gating imp (make sure imp gates before rogue goes) now your wolves can reach the rogues and they cannot reach the wolves....

Using gating tactics like the one posted above the main rogues cannot reach your wolves. Why should you make the first move? don't charge....... keep out of range until A. DE moves his minos close enough to you for you to take retal and hit his minos with all stacks or B. DE moves rogues far enough from minos to hit them. ... Or C. DE just sits there and does nothing while you wait for him to come forward which would result in neither of you having the advantage.........
Well i never played with demons, but i think you can do one thing...

keep moving out rogue range with dogs, and summon all gates, and go with demons to get rogue range, is rare take some one really good at low level, so is very proby he move mino and lost initiative, is your chance to attack rogues, and demons will be close they can walk 5 houses right, after you attack rogues once, you can run back, because minos got half initiative, just need two thigs.

First one, wait gates be open and keep runing with wolfs and advance with demons, after than wait rogues come to dogs range, or just patrol demons and wait they come, with mass gate, imps, and dogs, you can kill rogues really fast...

The problem is minos if he don't suicide rogues for you, to have a good game, you need good ap, ever, and take retalation ever time first... its the basic...

Well i think this should work, i never played with demon...
And you guys call demons invencible after level 6... Because got alot of succubi?

Hmmm, succubi got only 6 shoots right, same i put one unit and this unit don't get initiative first, than my main unit, i can just do a simple and funny thing...

I can splipt my range with 4 - 5 parts, and each turn attack succubi, i don't need attack, but i will, just to waste your shoots, yeah you can gate, right, but gonna gate only 30%

and after 3 turns you gonna get 0 shoots left, and i will be free of your powerfull succubis... only dogs left and mass spawns...
43: Not invincible after level 6. Invincible levels 6-7. The problem with your solution is all your range is dead too. And demon wolves + spawns with battle fury and gatings just beat all other factions melee. Griffins are the only problem, but they die from succubi.
I agree with ofensive + fury, i see demons with this, and spawns got almost same dmg than barbarian hobs, its very beurifull and crazy...

Well depends, with orcs im right i can kill 60% of succubis (or more) and take all shoots.

With necro i dunno, probby i gonna lost all my skells at begin, but will be able to waste all your shoots, and i can revive again again and again...

With DE will be a really problem, because this have no range power, i can only waste your shoots, and try kill some with hero, but you gonna take a huge advantange, nothing to stop your succubis at start, and you are free to gate, and come kill lizard and very slow minos army, its should be really hard to win...
i can just do a simple and funny thing...

I can splipt my range with 4 - 5 parts, and each turn attack succubi, i don't need attack, but i will, just to waste your shoots, yeah you can gate, right, but gonna gate only 30%

Sucubi only retaliates once, so it doesn't matter how many times per turn you shoot at them.
Each turn 1 waste shoot from retail, and 1 attack normal = 2 shoots per turn...

So 3 turns you don't gonna shoot anymore...
Hmmm, succubi got only 6 shoots right, same i put one unit and this unit don't get initiative first, than my main unit, i can just do a simple and funny thing...

I can splipt my range with 4 - 5 parts, and each turn attack succubi, i don't need attack, but i will, just to waste your shoots, yeah you can gate, right, but gonna gate only 30%

and after 3 turns you gonna get 0 shoots left, and i will be free of your powerfull succubis... only dogs left and mass spawns...

succubis only ret. once. and demon hero can attk 1 badits/poison. so if u have 4 u can take 2 arrows if 5 then 3. the remaining 3 to four arrows is more dan enough to beat de's :).

de's can take scoob only if they come in magic built. but that decreases de's attk and so wolfs and spawns can take them easily.

at lvl 6-7 only knights are tough to beat for demons rest all easy. and demons beat barbs at any lvl(certainly upto lvl9 ;])

and for lvl3 against de. even though u guys say they are tough dat doesn't mean u should avoid playing with them. the more u play against a faction the more skilled and confident u become against them. don't care if u lose. its all worth it.

for example take me. i believe i can win against almost all faction coz i played a lot of duel against them in lower lvls. but against my own kind(demons) i lose badly.
i never played against them at lower lvls. i'm always unlucky in minor tournaments coz thrs always an demon against me :(. i always end up losing.
I was thinking gonna be hard win a demon with my DE, hell no, very easy...

I can kill 4 - 5 succubi per magic, and is really easy waste all shoots...

For the guy say its no possible here is the replay -> https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=495211833

I know this ins't 1v1 battle but im alone take all succubi shoots in 3 turns...

So its works.

Aniscool9 I never see one DE without magic win a game, really.. he can fight against kight, barbarian, anouther DE, necro, what he want without magic he never will win. DE is a magic faction the beast of it, like barbarian is a might. And demon is might too.

Well to no change subject, i gonna end saying... If you wanna start with a demon, don't try be a mage, you imps do all the job stealing mana of enemy, put all on attack power or maybe on defense, i dunno you choce, try talent ofensive + fury, and gate first and wait open, to attack after, and never suicide your army.
49: DE is NOT a magic faction. Just at your level it is best.

48: I beat every knight level 6-7 I think. They aren't hard as long as you can take care of griffins. Succubi destroy bowmen and spawns wolves + gatings swarm swords. They all go twice and you have gatings too... swords don't stand a chance.
So youre saying the racial skill +7% per level piersing magic is useless?
51 : you'll only find it more useful in higher levels with better spells where many players use enchanted arts
I agree, at more high level i can reach more powerfull magics, im just asking why you think DE ins't magic faction... im curius.

Might he ins't, because he got half troops than normal, i know the troops is really strong, and shews is very nice, but i prefer shews with less might atribute and my hero with more magic. Maybe im mad, dunno.
to shaocan
definitely not mad. i made dat point earlier also. but wat seems crazy is dat we r discussing about de in demon thread.......
I am Demon again but with spawns built this time...and it's wonderful ! Really

I feel more happy playing Demon than Wizard because My Army is not dependant on me.Plus I do combats faster now..I think My recruting is ok..please give me strategy tips for duels against diff.factions.
ur recruiting is fine.

when i was in ur lvl i did not recruit dat 1 demon so that 1 can split a spawn extra to take more mana in gbs lol ^^

its fine...
Yeah...I feel that I demon useless.What about strategy when diong duels.I am thinking of a fail-proof strategy against Elves.
I was meanrt to be 1 (one)
srry i forgot the strategy at lvl6. will try to tell u soon.
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