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Authorfaction should be changeable after 6 hours.
ehhh... -1.
This will cause faction changing to be too flexible. I don't think you're supposed to login and see your next hunt to be, say, sprites and go "Hey, with wizard's special bouns with hunts and with their gargs and sprites low attack it will be easy with wizards. And so you change your faction to wizard and do the hunt. Then, you enroll 6 more times (to make up for the arts used in the combat) and get your next hunt, which is modern golems. You then go, "wizards are not very good here as the golems have 75% magic shield. BUT they have low ini and speed so we'll change to DE/elves and use the hit and run tactic to kill it, easy."
And repeat...

All i can say on that nice comment is - This Is What We Should Get For Spending So Much Money On Castle Constructions. Well, as far as hunting records are concerned , then they are seperated on the basis of factions and CL not just combat level. 6 hrs is not so damn less time i guess , in your case you have to wait for 6 hrs just for a hunt. Is this practically being smart for a person who likes to spend a lot of time here?

People would use the best faction for each type of battle they would do each 6 hours.

Everyone would choose the best faction when joining a group battle after the others as they could easily switch back 6 hours later.

People would easily switch between factions to play in the Survival Tournaments for all factions.

Everyone would have played as DE in the NY Throne Battle Tournament.

The list can go on and on.
This will cause faction changing to be too flexible. I don't think you're supposed to login and see your next hunt to be, say, sprites and go "Hey, with wizard's special bouns with hunts and with their gargs and sprites low attack it will be easy with wizards. And so you change your faction to wizard and do the hunt. Then, you enroll 6 more times (to make up for the arts used in the combat) and get your next hunt, which is modern golems. You then go, "wizards are not very good here as the golems have 75% magic shield. BUT they have low ini and speed so we'll change to DE/elves and use the hit and run tactic to kill it, easy."
And repeat...

when changing faction in most cases u also need to buy potion of oblivion to change stats, it costs 2500g. so i dont think that ppl would do that before evry hunt lol...
Imo ability to change faction evry 6hours would be good, sometimes it would be rly usefull, but its not neccesary... im fine as it is now
seems useful if uyou want to get a faction lvl up just like after an event where a certain castle is say 15% cheaper
i think they should add a new faction like hunters or demonslayers or dragonsalyers
+1 i thinks its a good idea
but i dont think it would b applied
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