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what does enchant do? like if i say fire enchant F3 in a sword and a shield what the difference and also the jewels??? do they make any difference if i dont have magic?? please elaborate someone...
on weapons it increase damage,on shields grants additional resistances agains fire(f) air (a) etc/on jewels it otherwise give up bouns for elemental spells.
wor non-magic castless strictly reccomended to use weapon craft,also not bad against casters armor..jewerly is a waste of gold for knights(for example)
so i rather have a enchanted shield than a enchanted sword?
https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39 chech the enchant part

Weapons : Troups deal more dmg with melee and ranged attacks
Armours : Troups get resistance to magic (include resistance to enemy weapons craft too)
Jewellery : Hero and casters deal more dmg with the specific magic
And i have 0 enchanters guild so how much i can enchant? everything from armourer, jewelcrafer, enchanter...
https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39 chech the enchant part
not there
you can enchant only 1x1

each level of enchanters guild gives you the option to put intro items more tipes of enchant

each level of weaponsmith/armourer/jewelcrafter gives you the option to enchant with more elements so with a stronger effect
Here: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10
Almsot at the bottom is enchanters guild.

Enchanters' Guild

Founded by the Great Craftsman's apprentices, the guild allows the characters to create their own personal ammunition parts. Almost any known artifact can be modified, gaining new magical properties after enchanting. Modifying takes place in your blacksmith that cannot be built before combat level 6. Rare elements, received in the Mercenaries’ guild or bought at the market, are used in the enchanting process.

There are three subdivisions of the guild called branches. Every guild member can be a weaponsmith, armorer and/or jewelcrafter. The power of lord's modifying depends on the corresponding branch level. Any improvement requires time and elements. The guild points gained from a modification equal to the amount of spent elements. These points are added to both the subdivision level and the common guild level counts. Every apprentice must decide, whether to be a skilled enchanter in one branch or to be able to enchant a little bit of everything.

you can enchant any type of enchant by 1%(ex:A1,E1)
Enchanters' guild: 0 means you can only enchant one type on one art
Weaponsmith,Armorer,Jewelcrafter affect how much % you can enchant
closed by DarkSooth (2011-01-07 13:42:51)
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