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AuthorWorkaholic penalty come in 1 enroll ?
01-08-11 12:50: Vampirer[10], aijez[10] vs Incendiaries (866)

That is last combat after workaholic penalty appear. I already win and enroll again, But Workaholic come again after enroll.

What's happen ? It's too fast.
You need .5 FSP to completely relieve the penalty. Less then that and the penalty will be relieved only partially (porportionally i thnk)
----You must win a combat to relieve it.----

Why system don't tell about min FSP ? but tell me "win" only.

"6) The workaholic penalty is now completely relieved only in case if the lord receives at least 0.5 skill points in the victorious combat. Otherwise, only a fraction of the penalty is relieved, proportional to the FSP received."

Although if it doesn't say that in about the game, it should.
0.5 FSP relieves workaholic penalty by 10 enrolls.
So, 0.05 FSP should relieve it for 1 enroll.
As you got 0.13 FSP it will be 2.6 enrolls, either rounded down to 2 or rounded up to 3.
thanks for the info if I understand well

I win a combat with .25 I need a other .25 combat or the penality come +- after 5 enrolment
It will come after +- 5 enrolment after the second time you get 0.25
closed by Arctic (2011-01-09 04:11:55)
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