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AuthorBattles with infernal set?
Has anybody battled with a complete infernal set?

If so I would love to see it. It would be interesting to see how strong this set is.

And if there is nobody then why not? Are these arts simply for buying and selling and not using? I have to see this gear in action.

It seems people are *collecting them* like we collect ancient stuff from archeological digs
No point paying such extortionate amounts of money if you aren't going to use them. I hope all those people who are now stuck with infernal arts they don't want to use learn their lesson. It will be difficult trying to sell on arts at such high prices.
same with the venomancer set
russians buy them and hope to resell them, but apart from one transaction almost immediately after the auctions from empire did end with a 10k profit, i havent seen any of them being resold.

as far as i know, all those rare arts are all still at 100/100
I paid extortionate amounts of money for my Venomancer set, and I never have plan to use them. What lesson did I learn?
wait the event that no dura will loss you will see.........
good point for Moro88, event without durability loss and i think all set will be used like 1 may and so on...
So 1 day each year you can use a set that costs millions to buy? Seems like a worthwile investment to me. It wouldn't be so much of an issue if people weren't so eager to pay such high prices at empire's auction.

It is a shame these seem to be exclusively collector arts.
even on .ru all artifacts are not even now used a single battle...its to epensive to play battles with the rare ones...and indeed good point moro88 otherwise i dont see why you should buy it...
I paid extortionate amounts of money for my Venomancer set, and I never have plan to use them. What lesson did I learn?

only the ones who buy and hope to resell this sets at higher prices will learn a lesson!:)(no one will buy from them)
The wgw completed the set i remember
So next no durability day I guess we see alot of new hunter records. That I guess will probably not be beaten until the next no durability day! I can just imagine someone getting a hunters licence, and just ploughing through the records in a fully enchanted maxed set for one day, setting aboslutely sickening records.
Did anyone notice that we didn't have the "no durability loss" thing at the latest New Year event as we did with the one before it, if I recall correctly?
I just had a thought as to maximum gating.

Am I correct that if you were a level 12 demon with the infernal set, that was only faction level 6, but with luck gating talent then you could have gating = 99% and get a whole army again!!

Basic = 20% + (4 X 6 (faction level))= 24%
Set bonus = 30%
Luck of 3 (talents + drink) = 25% gating
Total = 99%

imagine a hunt with 90 cerberi running around with the sort os stats you would get from this set!!. And which clan has got the only complete set? Which has enchants on it?
Basic = 20% + (4 X 6 (faction level))= 24% = 44%
Set bonus = 30% multiplier of 1.3
Luck of 3 (talents + drink) = 25% gatingmultiplier of 1.25

44%*1.3*1.25=71.5% gating
Thanks fot that

So it would not be until someone with level 10 faction skill wore the set with 4 luck that they would get over 100%

Basic = 20% +(4x10) = 60%
set bonus 30% so x1.3
Luck of 4 (talents + drink) 30% multiplier of 1.3

60%*1.3*1.3 = 101.4%

And by the time they got that the army would be hench at any rate
#15 thanks sven for the correction.
The WGW set has been bought to use it. Stay patient. ;)
#18 thanks nut for the info, but not the best place to advertise your set. (lol consider it like a warn - my friend)
(lol consider it like a warn - my friend)

xD Someone asked, I've answered...
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