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Author[Lottery] 30k gold prize
Who knows :)

So 161 mine?
my number is 78
mine is 163
my ticket is 164
Whats the range of numbers you can choose from?
Great flooding topic :P
166 I guess.
167 for me then, thanks.
i want number 9
I want 1.
170 :)
nice initiative straws :)
173 :)
My number:77:)
so i am now 175
2. knights123
3. kentot8
4. eddyimmanuel
5. survive
7. Rafezo
8. Pantheon
9. ZenoMX
10. Mitashjain
11. Skyheater
12. cyberlord
15. greatmagenish
16. kingali786
18. Antartican
19. kiwi
21. syltan
22. Atheros
23. lakshyaismyname
25. moro88
27. lukeman56789
28. VeDWoo
32. my_love_nastia
33. Halvspak
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35. sry
36. Santremus
37. lair
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42. Manegar
43. ggtouch
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46. xms
47. megacity
48. Prakash_185
49. coolahed
50. Someon3
51. Hewrin
52. i-wont-die
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54. Elven_Lord
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58. RonSethIronfist
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61. Yodale
62. denkleinegast
63. StupidKid
64. Bartek009
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66. Legendary_ao
67. xCNxNanda
69. PenTus
70. Decrous
71. naapa92
72. Dark-Ninja_lord
74. DarknessDoom
75. TheGentleReaper
76. Woodbox
77. qio
78. FaithBringer
80. thisthatman
82. greatbarb
83. Makkadihm
85. Pankaj_Kalra21
85. MrNiceGuy
88. richies
89. Fosgeen
90. The_Cimmerian
91. DarwenAward
92. avicool
93. God5end
94. ___MAYAVI___
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96. ram_1990
97. the_kings
98. NatureWarrior
99. Heroesiak
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102. MilesTeg
103. sencury
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105. kanss
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107. Citizenx
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109. ivo678
110. shock2255
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112. mageof10
113. Faustus67
114. DragonEater
115. qulows
116. gabe8
117. DragonFlayer
118. Ava_VN
119. Germ
120. Magier
121. drachenflame
122. WhaTiSaid
123. Spellblaster
124. limustudotcom
125. niebies
126. Clemency
127. Darrk
129. ninja9
130. Nutella
131. eternalhero
132. KiisuKat
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139. Andree3000
140. quickuser
141. Io-AKA-oI
142. Rufus07
143. Real124
144. llamasushi
145. MasterTI
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148. Barilla
149. sasopein
150. escutcheon
151. moon_barbarian
152. Lady_Flatulenz
153. Veeren_veer
155. divi
156. Erebes
157. Laitha
158. mys_tik_cal
159. hunter_wizard
160. ChooJeremy
161. RicHunter
162. sahilali
163. narutoayan
164. DarkNekro
165. Reyron
166. Erekose
167. RicOz6
168. pradheep
169. Shaocan
170. arcanyx
171. Netabenna
172. Sven91
173. DDL
175. sexywondergirl
where is my name?
to straws:
you have written 2 players with ticket no. 85

to 177: your no. Is 88
What if the chosen number is 1 or any number not in the list? :P

Thanks for the topic, btw.
next mine
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