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AuthorMg assist except for conspiracies
I feel sometime mg's are too difficult for me to handle may i shud have an option to ask assist let's say after mg 4 coz there the trouble starts

MG are supposed to be hard. Asking for assist makes it so much easier.

two '-1' and 1 '+3'


MG are supposed to be hard. Asking for assist makes it so much easier.

but like in hunts this should heavily decrease the amount of MG points recieved. 0.5 for quester, 0.1 for assister and the chance of getting an element should be much lower. Maybe even in that same ratio. 1/2 chance for quester (10%) and 1/10th chance (2%) for assister. This will prevent people deliberately assisting to use less arts and get more elements.
but like in hunts this should heavily decrease the amount of MG points recieved. 0.5 for quester, 0.1 for assister and the chance of getting an element should be much lower. Maybe even in that same ratio. 1/2 chance for quester (10%) and 1/10th chance (2%) for assister. This will prevent people deliberately assisting to use less arts and get more elements.
Mitashjain-1 Elven_Lord+1

Even though MG is getting harder, I would still vote for a 'No' to assistance in MG because all rest of the factions must fail or die more frequently than knights in MG so as to make us look good.
*all the rest
the more mulitplayeraction possible the better

Strategy will not play a big part with player assistance coming in.
I will wait for 2 thieves to ambush me...

I feel Mg quests are way too hard for me, this sounds like a good idea, plus its an online multiplayer game after all :P
However I understand that asking for help would make MQ-s too easy, but You must admit that on high MQ level(lets say after MQ guild 6) there are a lots of impossible fights.

So i suggest asking for help should be available on MQ6.
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