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AuthorLoan givers go on loss?
Suppose a player gives me a loan of... umm... suppose 10k.

He sends 10k, but gets charged 10100 gold sent due to the interest on transfers.

When I return the loan, I get charged 110k + 100 gold by the same rule, but the leaser gets 10k only.
won't he go into a 1% loss..?

Shouldn't there be a 1% interest allowed in returns to save leasers from going into a loss??

I know its not allowed.... But won't leasers suffer for helping others?

Sorry for re-post,

When I return the loan, I get charged 10k + 100 gold by the same rule, but the leaser gets 10k only.
won't he go into a 1% loss..?

Sorry for the mistype.
I believe that repaying the commission wouldn't be considered as paying interest, because the loaner doesn't get any extra benefit from the loan (he breaks even). Of course, I'm not sure about this, you never know what goes through an admin's head :P
Send that guy 10201 gold.

(101/100)x 10100 =10201
I don't think so.... Commission is taken from my own pocket and not from what I transfer I guess.... So 10100 should be enough...

Yes, commission is not included in the transfer. Type in whatever you like and the commission will be taken from your current gold and not the transfer amount.
So, simply send the normal loan back plus the extra commission as a gift.

closed by speed_dragon (2011-02-03 15:01:12)
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