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AuthorNecromancer faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
To Atheros

First set with 2 Signet-ring of might and Warrior pendant is better in survival tournament :)

But in PVP I think
- 1 Signet-ring of might
- 1 Ring of doubts
- 1 Warrior pendant
And other full art.
+3 Luck is equal to +30% dmg. If your attack value is close to the enemy defense value +9 attack = +45% dmg, so even if your attack is already higher the first combo with the large bonus to ini and the small def boost is much better than +3 luck.
I would like to comment that you can't compare attack to luck like that. That only work if attack vs defense is the same number. Luck work better the more difference in your attack and enemy defense is.

20 attack 3 luck 10 damage vs 10 defense = 10*1.5*1.3(average luck damage boost) = 19.5 damage
27 attack 0 luck 10 damage vs 10 defense = 10*1.85 = 18.5 damage

Luck is a bit better in this scenario to +7 in attack. Luck is inferior the closer your attack is compare to enemy defense. But it is better if your attack is much higher than your enemy in the first place. Example:

30 attack 3 luck 10 damage vs 0 defense = 10*2.5*1.3 = 32.5 damage
37 attack 0 luck 10 damage vs 0 defense = 10*2.85 = 28.5 damage

Let's try a bigger gap in attack vs defense and we'll see what happen:
50 attack 3 luck 10 damage vs 0 defense = 10*3.5*1.3 = 45.5
57 attack 0 luck 10 damage vs 0 defense = 10*3.85 = 38.5 damage

Another example in a big gap, but this time you have way lesser attack than enemy defense:
20 attack 3 luck 10 damage vs 60 defense = 10 / 3 * 1.3 = 4.33 damage
27 attack 0 luck 10 damage vs 60 defense = 10 / (1+1.65) = 3.77 damage

As you can see, luck can be weaker or much better than +7 attack dependings on the situation. Whether or not it is better than +7 attack +7% initiative and +2 defense is a whole different question in which I don't want to go into this moment :)
I would say that the attack, init and defense is nearly always better. Although it's true that luck will do more damage as a whole, with attack your damage is more stable, it happens everytime. This allows for better tactics, because you can know with a good deal of certainty what range your damage will be in. This is true in ST's especially imo.
But in survival tournament often have undesirable luck which befall in nearly finished wave. Then your troop get next turn late than enemy.

However you maybe get good result. If your troops get consecutive luck in super wave then you get highest score ;)
Tell me please if you know or you have the way to get information.
I try with create topic but no anyone reply me.

What the name of these construction are called ?


1 - 4 don't have any text box. It's background.
5 - 8 It's part of construction, I want to know the name of each part.
@83 Each parameter in luck gives you a 10% increase of your avarage total damage (including all boni of attack vs defense and any talents and/or enchants). True, effect of attack varies depending on enemy defense, but thats why I said If your attack value is close to the enemy defense value. And since we speak of +9 attack in this case it is already more damage then you gain from luck. Even if attack is already 10 greater than enemy defense an additional +9 attack will give you effectively +30% damage and since +7% ini is nothing to scoff at I would still say +3 luck is inferior to +9 att, +7% ini and +2 def.

@86 I don't get what you mean about the names of these things, obviously they have no function and therefore no name in this game. But maybe you are interested in them out of an achitectural reason. But then some of our native speakers would have to help you here.
for level 6 and 7 what talents are best for
1.darkness necro
2.a necro that raises all the time
3.might necro

1) level 6: basic darkness + dominon of mind, level7: as level 6 + spirit link
2) level 6: basic erudition + spirit link, level7: basic nature + dominion of life
3) level 6: basic erudition + spirit link, level7: advanced erudition

I believe what he's asking is the name of the buildings. The buildings only appear after a player have built it.

Actually, the names can be seen when you go to your castle page and hover your mouse over Certain buildings. At least that's what happened when I move my mouse over my knight buildings.

I get stuff like Garrison, Magic Guild Level 3, Cathedral, etc when I did with my castle.

Don't play Necro so can't help Vamp here. :)
thanks guys

in my option i may prefer +9 att +7 init.cos its a stable build

but for luck its a parameter that we need to wait for it...at least cant rely on it
ํYes I ask about the name of the buildings (If it has the name), And what's it ?

But 1 - 4 in my picture don't have in Constructions and Upgraded constructions list. It's part of background, But I want to know the name of them (If it has the name)

Please check new link.
hi ranor. thank you, but what about the DE battles? elf was too lucky for sure, but seriously thats the reason why i dont get top score in minor tourneys- i win most due to my strategy (but my shooters always go last)
elf almost always gets all 287 of my bowmen down befor ethey can shoot.....
feedback on DE duesl please....

OK commenting on your first battle against de:
- wrong setup of vamps (u noticed it by yourself, I also would have placed death envoys in such a way, that stones do not block them (e.g. 1 field south)
- 3 appas trying to block lizz from envoys: do not move to 10:5 but 8:6 instead, thus only 1 stack is needed to block lizz
- 3 appas do not kill 1 shrew they were needed to block lizz (even though he did not took the chance to attack
- 3 appas do not move back to cover bows, but take retal of minos instead
- vamps att hydra from 11:9 and appas ignore hydra but attack minos (no retal) from 8:9 thus blocking them from reaching your bows
- wasp on lizz wasted, better wasp mino

after minos chopped your bows this was lost
About Signet-ring of might and Warrior pendant compare with ring of doubt and amulet of luck. However might set is better luck set. I just try with luck set in tournament but result is badly, my troop too weak to pass each wave. T^T
again i lost to a DE.

i made a few tin mistakes but to me, i always lose because of luck. please comment how i can improve thanks
ok some points that I've seen were you can improve:
- envoy should wait on first turn and thus move after minos
- if envoys moves infront of liches you have to cover him from minos and lizz
- hero kill single shrews immedeately instead of raise, as they are a threat to hinder your bows or provoke additional attacks from lizz
- 2 appas moved to 2:5 what for? better wait and/or cover envoys from lizz
- 2 appas attacked single shrew, nice idea in principle but lizz moved directly afterwards, so better to cover envoys

if you could have rid yourself from the single shrew stacks you could have used envoys + appas + vamps to kill lizz and continued to shoot shrews.
hey what is good for necro raise attack or defence
Same question for me, I am level 3 and I'm thinking what would be best to do, at level 2 I invested in getting Knowledge so I can raise dead twice, so now I have 1 attribute point to add, thinking what would be best. If I add to Knowledge that would mean I would be able to raise dead three times, but I could also increase attack or defense, not sure what would be best?
Spell Power does not affect how many dead I can raise, should I invest in that at all in the start?
Go raise build by maximizing points into mana till level 6(possibly till level 7,but you may try a full attack build at 7) and go Max. attack from level 8. Helps.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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