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AuthorNecromancer faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
No topic for necs..so thought would make one.

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My fellow necromancers!

I suggest we should be more active discussing our 'Talents, Stats, Tactics and Strategy', don't you agree?

On my behalf I promise to giving some advices to those who might need them considering our glorious faction in this thread.
Ok, let me be the first necro to ask something in this thread.

Combat level: 13 (14371069) +128931
Necromancer: 5 (442.56) +57.4

What's the best / easiest way of reaching necro 6 before I level up?
What's the best / easiest way of reaching necro 6 before I level up?
The easiest way to reach necro FS lvl6 in your case would be completing those new easy hunts (nice FSPs per low exp) and completing those MG monsters quests (same story with the FSP/exp ratio).
I have the level up question too

Combat level: 7 (393734) +6266
Necromancer: 5 (493.29) +6.7

i really want to get necro 6 before i lvl up to CL 8, so shold i do the hunts or the MG, as to get minimal exp and more skill points?
do the same as post 4 suggested.
try to assist other player in hunt and do more monster quest in mg
as to get minimal exp and more skill points?
imho, that should be monsters of MG in your case simply because of the fact you get such an insignificant exp points there
I have almost reached level 6.
Should i save money for diamonds to buy zombie upgrade or buy the blacksmith?
i have a question about undead liegeman talents(Necromancy Skil is increased by 5%)
does it mean skeleton counts increase?(like racial skill) or raise dead spell gets stronger?


how staff of venomancer works?(100% raise dead)
Should i save money for diamonds to buy zombie upgrade or buy the blacksmith?
That zombies' upgrade is definitely a priority since those creatures are very useful all the way in almost each and every battle you can imagine. For instance their unique ability allows you to easily kill those monsters in MG without actually having to equip fullarts etc. So it's a very handy upgrade, a musthave.

i have a question about undead liegeman talents(Necromancy Skil is increased by 5%)
does it mean skeleton counts increase?(like racial skill) or raise dead spell gets stronger?

Neither nor. First things first you need to learn what does the unique racial ability of necromancy is all about to understand the meaning of that specific talent:

This ability teaches Necromancers how to raise skeletons from dead bodies of the opponent's living creature. Raised warriors are fully controlled by the Necromancers, and populate their troops. Only the victorious party can raise skeletons from living creatures of the defeated party. Undead, elemental and mechanical creatures cannot be transformed into skeletons. If the winning party consists of several Necromancers, they divide the raised skeletons in proportion to their skill levels.
The probability of raising skeletons depends on the Necromancer skill level and is proportional to the original living creature's health points. The rate of raising creatures at successful hunts is 5 times lower.


So basically what does the undead liegeman talent do it allows to to raise more skellies after you win a combat (actually a 5% increase of the total amount as the talent's description informs).

But it does not increase the amount of skellies you can recruit.

how staff of venomancer works?(100% raise dead)
It adds 100% efficiency to the 'raise dead' spell. For instance your talents and spellpower allow you to raise 10 vampires at a time so using that venomancer set provides you with a +100% raise dead bonus doubles that amount and converts it from 10 to 20 vampires at a time.

Notice that the staff itself does not provide you with such a bonus but only the complete venomancer set does.

for Pantheon:
What's the best / easiest way of reaching necro 6 before I level up?

also you can do everyone for oneself battles as a poisoner or as battle necro, and the second place is the best considering exp/fsp ratio.

for TheoTheGreat:
Should i save money for diamonds to buy zombie upgrade or buy the blacksmith?

zombie upgrade!
probably, you don't need a blacksmith at all, since it's too expensive to repair things even with 90% efficiency, but you'll get only 10% from the start, and each blacksmith guild point costs 4000 gold and takes 1 hour to gain. so think twice about it.

zomies are great, that's out of questions :)
infected zombies have their use in mc boss quests and events (boss), but other than that you can rarely use them effectively.
I think necro lose alot at level 8, he get lich and one deadlyfull spell at this level, to darkness build...

But Infected is better to kill a single strong unit, like monster and events.. like ranor said...

But to pvp, ins't much userfull if the enemy got a nice range power too, and don't need come close, so your zombies will take so long to get close to decrevese enemy skill...

They are really nice, im not saying they are bad, but at level 8, barbarian take isanes black wolfs, de take shews, elvens take elite fk, etc.

The zombie should have a little modifications, to be more userfull at pvp battles, like a bit more hp, or initiative, one more speed. Whatever, just for be more userfull at pvp battles...

Almost all barbarian troops are modifiqued, do be more strong and can fight all new factions based on heroes 5.

At heroes 3, barbarians is really weak comparing with this one.
well, each faction has it pros and cons.
zombie are slow but you could use ghost isnt it?
full stack of skele archers are threat to the enemy.
with dark magic, they can support their teammates by casting poison or curse to enemy.
i have a question. which level is necro best at pvp? level 12, 13 14 or 15?
i have a question. which level is necro best at pvp? level 12, 13 14 or 15

for Shaocan:
Zombies are slow,yes. Zombies take eternity getting to the opponent (assume he doesn't come to you first), yes.

But the infected pose a threat nonetheless. Permanent -4 att/def is nothing to scoff at. If they don't waste an action to kill off that zombie stack, it can come back to haunt them, but if they do kill off the zombies, they open themselves up to attack from the other units.

So it depends how it plays out too. Every unit can be a threat, just that though slow, the infected can be a bigger threat that other units that factions use as walls/filler/retal takers (like recruits, poisoners, etc)
Inf. zombies are very useful, and if you use magic build (especially poison build) zombies are a must.

They sometimes don't even have to deal much damage, they just have to infect. In that sense they are more like a walking spell then a unit :)
Ty,guys! and always remember, Necro Rocks!
Yeah takesister, but they ins't very good to take retalation, because the iniciative, if you gonna wait him to take retalation, probbly you gonna waste some turns to it.. and give enemy advantage

Have more chances he attack after (if enemy come close) and infect than, he attack first to take retalation...

Yes i know, infect is very good, but with battles full ap, is a bit useless...
Because with level 8+ stats atributes and full arts...

This gonna make a minimal effect, and i don't gonna have a chance to attack again and again and again... I gonna attack a few times...

Posioners, have more attack than rogues, with count number, i was looking it, 10 rogues can chance for 24 posioners with rally, at level 7, posioners without posion per turn, make more dmg than rogues at melee hit, also keep killing everthing with posion.

Recruiters have stun, if you 3 - 4 recruites, with good initiative they have, you have alot chances to make enemy initiative run away with from very very far away... giving time enough to get a monster kill.

And both units are tier 1, zombie is tier 2, i know they are very nice, but at tier 2 upgrade, to pvp battles, i think this unit more useless of all.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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