Author | create obstacle on field |
some obstacle (like stones) are already present on battle field
If the lords get a chance to create their own obstacle it would be great.
May be 20 mana cost for making each or in a horizontal and vertical line only 1 stone can be created |
Firewall :) |
for Pantheon:
but it doesn't create a obstacle in a creatures path.
Moreover in hunts it gives great benefits to those who use bows vs large creature. |
for kanss:
That would be overpowering
Think and see a wiz puts stone in front of gargs then zaps enemy and recovers mana OMG |
I think if we could destroy the already present stone that would also be great!
because those stones sometimes create problems |
for sry:
for that #5 would be the solution |
Well, It'll give a use for Earthquake and Demolition. And allow Flyers and Teleport/Teleporting creatures to be more powerful...
It'll have to have a balance testing, but it should have to be such that it won't prevent creatures from moving at all, allow small units to hide from Large unit indefinitely and also not allow players to use the obstacle to remove the need to protect ranged units with other units.
Tough to implement... |
Something like rocks can't be placed in a creatures spawning zone, and they have something like 250HP till they get destroyed. |
Firewall is alreagy there and i dont think anything more is needed |
+1 to misself's version.
Why not make the rocks summon-able with a decent hp to boot?
The hp of the rocks can be influenced by nature talents + Spell power. |
but imagine a shooter with large no. of arrows like xbows.
if they'r to hunt against a large creature , then creating a stone to prevent them for reachin a longtym could make them highly overpowered.
Moreover neutrals cant destroy the stone , this would create faction imbalances too :) |