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AuthorSetting ambus taking more time for me..why?
especially form last 2 days i am facing this issue, i know about player ambush, but caravan also taking time?
Because caravans ambush are also triggered by players.
If a player the same level as you travels the route you are ambushing, you have a chance to ambush that player.
If a player with a level higher or lower than you travels the route you are ambushing, the player has a chance to trigger a caravan, causing you to fight a caravan.
Just bad luck. It depends on travelers +/- 1 level.

This is the server's low traffic time. It takes me a long time before a caravan appears as well.
oh really,i thought craven must be arrive after some random time.
Nope; during the worst times I had to wait up to 1.5 hours.

To reduce ambush wait time:
-ambush high traffic routes
-ambush when there's high number of players online
-ambush when combat level has highest number of players (basically means lower level is better)
closed by Lady Mohini (2011-03-16 11:42:42)
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