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my multi send me gold | 3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.
You should really read all the rules!: |
12-08-10 15:45: Player was imposed a penalty of 3000 gold. // Financial assist.
12-08-10 15:44: Player unblocked. // Block replaced by penalty.
10-30-10 06:02: Player blocked. // Multichar not signed, mutual transfers.
Considering that one of your multis has already been blocked, then unblocked (replaced by penalty), you should be well aware that it is not allowed to transfer gold between your characters.
It should have either been explained to you at that time or you would have had to make an undertaking to not do it again as part of the conditions of your characters unblock.
Pretending to be ignorant of the rules is unlikely to work more than once.
Grunge | [q]
1. Rights and duties of the parties.
1.1. Ignorance of the following rules does not relieve the responsibility for their violation.
You *reaaaly* should read them rules... | closed by fahim3 (2011-03-27 11:22:23) |
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