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AuthorReverse survival tournament
Just had an interesting idea about what would be a fun tournament in the game. Not serious enough to post it as an idea for improvement, so posting it here. If a mod wants to move it, feel free.

The AI controls the hero in the center of the field. The player controls the waves.

The waves can either be preset, or allow slight variations. [such as 2 roc 14 infected zombie 2 roc 14 infected zombie vs. 1 roc 21 infected zombie 3 roc nothing]

It would be fun to be the attacker for a change, and see who can kill an AI hero the fastest.

Or allow our troops to come in as waves.

Extra variations:
-multiple players; each controlling parts of each wave or take wave turns.
-use of players' other castles.
i like that idea, holds some promise to it instead of boring old surival tourny every other week :)
Very good idea!
I think this tournament will be surprised more than if it's appear in April fool's day event lol

However it has prolblem about "talent".

By the way. +1
+1 well about talents perhaps u could juz make to hav no effect....
or perhaps the AI could hav some preset talents according to lv n faction...
This would be very fun indeed. :)
+ Post this in Ideas and suggestions.
oh, but how winner is determined ?

by score ? if score based on damage you inflict, then all participants score would be the same (because ai hero bring the same troops). or another scoring calculation ?

by wave ? if one player defeats ai hero at wave 6 with remaining 30 efks and another player defeats ai hero at wave 6 too with remaining 50 sprites, who win ?
Nice idea :)
well i think i didn't understand anything. :P

The winner would be the one who did it in the minimum number of turns.

Presumably, players would wait for the AI to attack them, sometimes. If each of those turns spent waiting were counted as a turn, it would change player strategy.

Let's say in the example you give: Wave 6, which we'll say is 30 efk 30 sprite 30 efk 30 sprite. EFK has higher initiative, so goes first. But the hero, say only has sword left. The efk will get murderized if it goes first, so it spends a turn waiting so that the sprite can go weaken sword with no retal. Sword kills sprite, then efk finishes the job.

Player 2, meanwhile, takes efk directly in, and so doesn't waste a turn.

I guess if more than one player had the exact same number of turns spent, it would be a tie.
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