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Cast and Voice of WAR!

AuthorCast and Voice of WAR!
>>> Time to enter your voice or submit for next period.
From now until April 30 **11 00:00 LWM time


1st Period

*Loot: 5000 gold.

*Prisoners of WAR!:

Liongo #1
Q. On which tour did mini the minotaur last went?
Ans. Minotour (Mino-tour)

Liongo #2
Q. What has 5 heads, 4 hands, 8 legs and 10 eyes?
Ans. A DE hero riding on a HYDRA with an IMP in his hand.

Q. Why didn't the noob cross the road?
Ans. SlayerOfNoobs was on the other side.


HOW to enter your voice?
Choose and shoot only ONE prisoner above.

ex: I shoot [enter lord/ladies name here]

* 2 or more prisoners who had been shot in the same highest amount will share the loot.

* Slaves can't shoot.
MAIN characters only!

All contents must be specifically designed for this WAR! contest.
Voting will be held immediately after the end of submission period.
Everyone is welcome to throw something into current prize pot:

- 3000 gold (Special LWM anniversary)
- ?
2nd Period

>>> Upcoming inmates:

Q.What did the Rogue use for makeup ?
A. She used "Rouge"

what is fast as hell, impossible to win and friends of all
i dont know but not altleast me hehehehehe
I shoot [Liongo]

(If I can vote myself)
My entry for this period:

Q. Most Wanted, Most Hated, most...guess who?
Ans. nappa92
1st Period

I shoot [Liongo] for

Q. On which tour did mini the minotaur last went?
Ans. Minotour (Mino-tour)

I shoot [qulows] for

Q. Why didn't the noob cross the road?
Ans. SlayerOfNoobs was on the other side.

2nd Period

I shoot [naapa92] for

what is fast as hell, impossible to win and friends of all
i dont know but not altleast me hehehehehe

Did I do this right? :)
My incredibly awesome attempt at LWM wit!

Which distinguished LWM creature has the abilty to solve mathematical computations?
Ans: Vampire Counts!

I shoot qulows!
^^ for Jedi-Knight:
Choose and shoot only ONE prisoner above.
Pick one for each period and 2nd period voting time start after April 30 :)

>>> for Liongo:
(If I can vote myself)
Prisoner can shoot themself but if there's a tie it wouldn't be considered.
In case, reach most popular (highest vote), must pay 1000 gold honorary fee that'll deducted from loot.
I shoot Liongo
Q. Why was Lord Max confused on the football field?
Ans. footballgamer31 was standing besides the ball!
^^ Also allowed to enter another kind other than Q&A :D
>>> Last day to hear or submit your voices ;)
not for me i guess.
^^ It's for everyone :)

05-01-11 01:07: Transferred 4000 Gold to Liongo, Commission charged: 40
>>> WAR! contest prize 1st period

closed by Lord Jeverag (2011-05-01 05:11:04)
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