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5 Things about the member above you


Author5 Things about the member above you
As the thread says,write 5 things u know about the person above you.
I guess you were talking about player ranking:
- some are fair and nice
- some play better and more often than me
- some left the game
- some will be below me soon ^^
- some should go to the water closet and look at the "mirror" (i'm pretty sure their face is already visible there) before sending me stupid PMs such as (quoting):

shame on you man


I didnt talk abt rules... rules are for idiots but thx for prooving my point..."

- this guy has to learn loosing ambush even if he is the "top" thief
Oh no no no. You have to write 5 things you know about the person who posted above you.
Like ur above me,so i'll write 5 things i know about you. The next person to post will write 5 things about me.

1.Does not like roulette
2.From Europe
3.A big tavern player
4.Has a high faction level for many factions.
5.Didn't understand this thread until I explained it to him :P
1.Like roulette
2.Have over 200k gold
3.Has very poor stats
4.Bad hunter(telling from your hunt achievments)
5.Not got a ST top3 place
1)doesn't like roulette
2)has 100k+ gold :'(
3)is an average hunter(better than me) :"(
4)average in ST (not better than me)
5)nice strategies in battles & good sportsmanship.
1.Real name is Niranjan :P
2.Is Indian
3.Good roulette profits
4.Very regular on the forum.
5.Has had a few accounts blocked
1.Rich w.r.t. ur level.
2.giving loans like anything.
3.is trying to test some luck on roulette.
4.must be an indian too :P(guess work)
5.has marketing sense.
1.Regularly checks this thread
2.Seems to be on like 11ish to 17ish
3.Wants money to be in clan
4.Has a striped shirt
5.Pops his collar
2.funny. :P
3.not regularly online.
4.fights hunts in months.
5.n only does hunts :D
1. Indian
2. my friend
3. roulette player
4. ambitions to buy full arts
5. regular on forums
1. Is traveling at the moment (troops = 1 sprite)
2. In many clans
3. Still not in warriors guild...
4. Poor...
5. No PvPs... Very boring...
1 WG member
2 DE
3 under 10k gold
4 has a bunny
5 lv7
1) He loves tavern
2) Has lost more in roulette then he has lost
3) Plays from different IPs
4) A member of WGW
5) Has posted in this forum :)
Don't count my post #13. I had wrote about Soturi570, but azabukinie wrote first :)
i beat u to punch nice try though
1. She's DP's wife.
2. She scares DP and has him henpecked.
3. Has nice pics.
4. Is low on gold.
5. Has recently started playing again.
1.Bunch of gold
2.Nice level of factions
3.Low MG
4.Nice TG,soon lvl 8 gratz :)
5.Posted before me :P
4.very good LWM
5.dont sleep yesterday until tommorrow :D
1.Thinks he's a pirate
2.Is NOT a pirate
3.Is certainly not jack sparrow :P
4.Lives somewhere in Asia,i'm guessing Malaysia or Singapore.
5.Slow and patient player considering he started in December and still is Level 4
1 never won a card game
2 great gold
3 pure DE
4 part of the stronghold clan
5 says he leaving soon
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