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AuthorBonuses to Talent Points
The idea is to reward those players who accomplish great things in the game, and offers them something beneficial and not already offered as a reward - that being, additional Talent Points! Thus a player will be allowed to potentially gain more Talents through this. There should be a limit to the amount of EXTRA points one can achieve such as +1 per level (from level 5+), and each category below grants up to only +1 or +2 Talent point (s).
Those categories are:

- special artifacts (e.g. a Sword of Talent)
- Top placement winners of special tournaments
- the (extraordinaryily overpriced and near-useless) Estates
- non combat, extracurricular levels such as Gambling Guild
- ...add new category here...

* The alternative is simply granting artifacts with special non-racial specific Talents to them: Ring of Rally Troops
- the (extraordinaryily overpriced and near-useless) Estates
yes! +1

- non combat, extracurricular levels such as Gambling Guild
- special artifacts (e.g. a Sword of Talent)

- Top placement winners of special tournaments
the (extraordinaryily overpriced and near-useless) Estates

The price its controlled by the free economy. So pr. definition is not overpriced. I don't see a need to make them more expensive, there is already a bonus from LG don't need another.

-1 but one talent point for every odd CG lvl, would be a good idea
The price its controlled by the free economy. So pr. definition is not overpriced. I don't see a need to make them more expensive, there is already a bonus from LG don't need another.

Isn't there some economic law that basically says some things have value because other people don't have them (I believe it is known as 'neiner neiner':P)? I believe this is the case with the estates, they are popular because they are a status symbol and not because of their actual 'worth' per say. This means they can be overpriced even if the price is determined by a free market economy.

Anyway +1
Gosh players like Brilliant and Alyna could probably select the whole talent wheel with such boni. :D

Not sure what to think of it so I'll not comment further.
Isn't there some economic law that basically says some things have value because other people don't have them (I believe it is known as 'neiner neiner':P)? I believe this is the case with the estates, they are popular because they are a status symbol and not because of their actual 'worth' per say. This means they can be overpriced even if the price is determined by a free market economy.

Exclusivity adds value, this will make them overpriced for people who don't care about that. But obvious the general population does, and therefore it is not overpriced.

Estates have not been put up for sale and is already extremely valuable, so I think it would be crazy to give estates such a significant bonus, without given any other the means to achieve it
+1 very good idea keep it up!
+1 anythikn new to make this more intresting cant hurt:)
+1 it perfect
The idea is to reward those players who accomplish great things in the game, and offers them something beneficial
-1 if he/she already a great player all these things will make him much more stronger and we wont be able to do what that great player has accomplished
+1 anythikn new to make this more intresting cant hurt:
i have seen this b4
-1 if he/she already a great player all these things will make him much more stronger and we wont be able to do what that great player has accomplished
great people must rewarded with great things.
+1 good. I might get it for staying without my exp moved for 2 months
Hmm not sure about this, the talent wheels are in a delicate state of balance.
why only 1 I say we need talents a lot why not 10 per lvl and 5 for every faction lvl
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