Author | Call for armistice |
I always am willing to spend all my gold for such events. People who know me can tell you.
If there weren't such events I would have already quit.
But slowly my patience reaches it's end. If I am forced to spend weeks of hourly enrolling again... Well, you can add up 1 and 1. A game should be fun, not work. Yes, it should be demanding, but not frustating. |
well if you aint intrested to enroll like hell,there is on right part donate link where you can buy diamonds. if you dont want to use rl money as many of us dont use cheaper sets like i do use steels i dont win wawe 3 but can win wawe 2. |
Personally I don't feel that an armastice is necessary to force an intervention from the admins. There were issues with the bosses in the demon event, they changed it so as to make it possible, sure enough we killed them all.
I am sure that at some point they will implement a similar change. It is then a simple matter of personal preference until then as to whether to compete.
One could argue that the presence of war clan rivaly puts pressure to compete more, though at this stage the dividing line is sufficiently large in most places that this is probably less significant.
Personally my issue is to do with committing such a long time in one go that I cannot realistically participate with my home life environment. Potentially 4 group battles in a row without a gap is a little restrictive in time management. You would have thought that by now there would be no entrance guards left and we would set up camp thee, rather than continuing separately. |
I like this event, why do you prefer only easy fights? if you think and coordinate your efforts, bosses can be down with right team setup and luck to not meet too much chaos DE. I say, who dont want to join the even it is his choice and noone will punish him, but for us other, who likes the chalenge and do not care to spend some money on figuring out, how to play it sounds very unfair, then some others want to violently end this event.
It is a covard talk.
Howk! |
you are a wizard, easy talking |
well if you aint intrested to enroll like hell,there is on right part donate link where you can buy diamonds.
Sure. And how many diamonds do I have to buy to get a full wizard set?
if you dont want to use rl money as many of us dont use cheaper sets like i do use steels i dont win wawe 3 but can win wawe 2.
How thrilling. So instead of farming fsp and gold you suggest farming clan points?
Just not my "fun". Wouldn't hurt anyone if I were alone with this opinion.
But if you look at clans like EW, who have many hardcore players and seem to have given up: I am probably not alone. |
to sven: i am what i need to be to be a valued member of my clan. |
i mean, when the event ocurs, i change for faction which will be the best help to my teammates to prevail... started this event with knight, then switched to Necro and finished as wizard.
And no, i did not bought a single diamond during my life in LoWM! |
there you go, you say it yourself
this event is too hard for some factions and way easier for others.
that is what this topic is about. |
and other events are different, prefers other factions... this is the reason, why it is a group fight to form the right team. every faction can be good in this event with right setup if you form the right team... so it is just chalenging, not imposible event. |
well if you dont donate dont complaint thats the way life goes. |
i do not complain, i am saying, i do not donate and have no problems with money management.... |
It's not mandatory to play these events.
I find it refreshing that we finally have an event that's not over before you can log in if you're offline for a weekend or so. The event IS hard but it's a challenge like all the other events to find out what the best teamsetup is and if you don't try you won't succeed. For Venomancers, DE was superior. For demon event Necro was superior and in this event raise dead is superior.
If one doesn't have the appropriate faction or gold for this event then one has to sit it over and let us who enjoy it play.
However there's one thing I have to mention in the defense of the threadmaker. The randomness of occuring Chaos DEs screw up the event and can mean a sudden halt to a party going deep.
For all that still choose to play - enjoy the rest of the event. |
"well if you aint intrested to enroll like hell,there is on right part donate link where you can buy diamonds. if you dont want to use rl money as many of us dont use cheaper sets like i do use steels i dont win wawe 3 but can win wawe 2. "
For the rebel camp I need full arts. this would cost me something like 250k gold.
I'd have to pay 100! euros to participate in this event. Not even full games like Starcraft or WoW even remotely need that amount of money from you.
Some money requirements in this game are very frustrating to get and maintain.
I am on this with Nutella, a game should be fun and demanding. And a Browser game cannot with good conscience require such surd amounts for just some 2 weeks events. |
I like this event. I don't mind spend some gold to gain lots of experiences and faction points too.
If you don't like the event, you could always choose not to participate the event. Some other people may like it and may have fun. I don't quite get why people want to get event cancelled simply because they don't like it. |
agreed, + for nutella |
As a high level, i can fully understand what this event has done to our economy just as you've said. Personally, i do like the challenge of this event, but losing too much durability is not good. I think losing 2 durability for every 4 battles would have been decent. I have finally decide to play since we have event but it was too hard for me. Now i can only play a few battles with my clanmates. It also annoyed me how as lvl 14-15 we have to use triple enchant arts and we're not even clearing wave 4 50% of the time while some lvl 7-8 can use crappy arts and make it through easily. It's just sad the way the server is moving to kill people that love this game. I knew this so i never did force my clanmates to participate, they can participate on their own will.
It would be much better to make this game playable for higher levels but to boycott the event is another extreme and lack of gamesmanship in my opinion. So i do agree with your concern, in any case, just do what we can and hopefully admin understand our difficulty. |
BTW - the main problem with this event is that the subevent with sabotuers gives you more exp/fps than clearing the waves and the Boss, it is why a lot of power players do not go to camp |
this is 2 different point of view:
the event is too much difficult specially 4 the high lvl so they required loooooooooooot of money and too few are the rewares. i spend all my little treasure in this day :-[
by the other side , lifeblood come from this kind of events to the game for the clan and to the experience so why not spend our money? for economize ...the time will come.
regarding the boycott idea , i personally wait for the position of my clan. |
the cost of all war is always high.
dont make war. in real life. peace. :) |