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Anybody else experiencing a huge lag on the server? I was just playing saboteurs and was unable to make several moves, as well my team mates. We lost because of this... and I want my loss durability back!
and I want winning lottery ticket but I just can't have it...
I just got defeated because my battle was lagging, never showed my turn and now i am marked as afk. -2 luck, full art wasted, and caused my team mates to lose badly
probably its ddos attack as on .ru server, its not easy to repair it in a minute hour or day, its bigger problem..... the best way is to shout down servers and reset and upgrade software on server
and I want winning lottery ticket but I just can't have it...
Your comment suppoused to be funny? Well, it's stupid and off topic, so spare us with your "wisdom"
same here
huge lag
lost many orcs due to it
for Barilla:
I read again and understood in wrong context... sry. Nervs... :P
i pm admins in other game where they were attacked DDOS too about 2 months ago, im waiting for answer maybe i will know some tips for admins of this game
Lexa didnt answered but i hope if i get info, somebody can use this tips to contact admin?
that also happened to me
first time lost second wave due to noob lag
Same thing with me.
First of all we all have problems due to lag.

Second of all, our server is hosted at webnx.com. Their site is working fine and there is no news about them being attacked. So if it is true and our server is attacked, it is only us having the problem.
Anyway, I'm sure that a big hosting company such as webnx have good protection against any type of attacks. So our server should be unreachable because of their data center protection.

1. I'm sure admins already know about the problem. No point in trying to spam them about it.
2. I'm sure that webnx knows about the problem. Any decent data center has a ton of sensors gathering data from their data center.
3. No dziadu, shutting down the server and making a software update it's not THE solution. Why? Because in their collocation contract they should already have a "server backup" solution. So it's just a matter of migrating to the backup server (an exact clone of this one), do the necessary repair on the main one and migrate back.
4. Actually I think that we may be facing a different problem: An overload of the server due to increase activity. I don't know if they have a dedicated server or a virtual server, but they may have to upgrade their machine ;)
4. Actually I think that we may be facing a different problem: An overload of the server due to increase activity. I don't know if they have a dedicated server or a virtual server, but they may have to upgrade their machine ;)
I don't think so...
I'm not worried.. lag have always existed.. it doesn't mean if the RU server is getting attacked and we got lag at the same time that we are ALSO getting attacked.. although as stated above.. it's nothing to worry about;)
^^ It's not about worry, but about lag.
for #12
what about Sony site and network? there is no sure protection for crackers, game i played was on big server company which im sure they know about their job too
every server every protection is able to be broken so if admins of other game did their job good with server hosting then maybe some hints can help our admins and their host
for dziadu:
You can not compare an attack on Sony with an attack on a game server. It's like comparing the USA army going to war with a guy fighting on the street. It takes a lot of resources (especially in top quality hackers) and dedication. I don't think that our game deserves this kind of attention. It's just not big enough to be worth it ;)
Yes, every server can be broken. But their is an economic and a personal issue to consider. How much value does your time have? How many hours will you have to dedicate to bring down a server? Do you want to bring that server down so badly that you are willing to invest X amount of hours, equal to Y amount of EURO? Is it worth it in the end?

We can only speculate on what is going on, having no other feedback then the fact that the server is lagging. There is nothing that we can do to help (even if we could), unless admins give us more information about what is going on.
The problem is that during severe lags one is unable to play and if you are in PvP or event battle you miss your turns. I probably don't have to explain how drastically this effects the outcome of the battle. So you loose instead of win. I think it is unfair and admins should do something to compensate that.
The problem is that during severe lags one is unable to play and if you are in PvP or event battle you miss your turns. I probably don't have to explain how drastically this effects the outcome of the battle. So you loose instead of win. I think it is unfair and admins should do something to compensate that.

I totally agree with you on this one. But as I said before: "We can only speculate on what is going on, having no other feedback then the fact that the server is lagging. There is nothing that we can do to help (even if we could), unless admins give us more information about what is going on. "

We have only a choice of trying to play the game like this, or just wait until the server is working OK again.
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