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AuthorWhat happened if gargoyles turned into grotesque?
When garg turned into grotesque..it become grotesque then
#2 ROFL, i like the dual meaning, This means we could have all the tier third upgrade like dryads for elf and so on... It s based on the Tribe of the east HoMM V.

In this time more fun with abilities but while you will need to familiarise with the upgrade we have!
It just like a question like when a chicken grow into rooster what will happened..
That's a funny question . Gargoyles can't turn into grotesque in this game .
If I were to make an intelligent guess.. I would say one gargoyle went rogue and mated with a bear and THUS IT BECOME A GROTESQUE! (epic MUSIC)
They get improved
#4 Moro, you are in the Q&H forum, keep your point of view, no one force you to answer in this part of forum. You can repply questions or joke (adding joke or joking or * *) but keep in mind you can scarre or misslead new players... Consider this like a warn!

#6 they are not improved, just an other way to play with them as said in post 2 based on the original game!
Lmao if it turns, wizard became a very strong faction in low levels. Lol! :D
Btw forgot to say this is only a joke. xP
They seem like a good altgrade for might build wizzys

Same with gremlin altgrade

Maybe we see some might wizzys in the future
With grotesque instead of enchanted gargs, you might see wizzards splitting grotesques instead of magis and grotesque rushing to enemy instead of running:)
They seem like a good altgrade for might build wizzys

Same with gremlin altgrade

Maybe we see some might wizzys in the future

Who would be crazy enough to be might wiz? ^^ Gremlins altgrade are hardly any better than engineers IMO. Grotesques are prob the only really worth altgrade; all in all, other factions such as elves or knights would get much better altgrades.
elf would get forest breathen then :)
with the grotesques ability aura of air vunerablity this altgrade will be better for magic wizards,splitting a couple of small stacks to fly next to the enemy and increase hero damage
If all alt upgrades are introduced as it is now without re-balancing, everyone will go for elf for sure
#14 not sure...
for Patrickou:

Rangers are just way overpowered with its ignore 50% defense ability. At higher level it could deal huge damage (at least 700~800) to nearly any unit in battlefield in just one shot

Dont forget that rangers have no range penalty!

Combined with the ignore defense, they kill everything!

Guardians are only units that have even a slight chance to survive, to be slaughtered by forest brethren

Elves will become totally overpovered!

Dont forget that rangers have no range penalty!

Combined with the ignore defense, they kill everything!

That's what I meant. Rangers can deal 2 times damage as GMB does in pvp but only 2 hp less than GMB
Don't forget about sharpshooters :) They have no range penalty as well but no piercing shot.. But sure not as good as rangers.
Don't forget about sharpshooters :) They have no range penalty as well but no piercing shot.. But sure not as good as rangers.
in large numbers, protected by guardians/crusaders, they`ll kick elves` ass.

anyway, one of the best upgrades will be skeleton legionnaires.
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