Author | Removing workaholic penalty? |
I have a question about removing workaholic penalty: when you lose to a caravan and gain more that 0.5 fsp, is remove the penalty?
Fact: i fight several fights last night with my ru char and after my last fight (lose wiz caravan with 0.6 fsp) i still could enroll more that 6 times today. Before last fight i have another losses and one single assist. Is the fsp from losing caravan acting like a workaholic removal?
Is there anyone encountered that before? |
from wat i understand...
completing a battle n obtaining a minimum of 0.5 fsp will remove penalty... |
From grand upgrade 1 : Laborers' guild mechanics reconsidered. Any Lord who has worked 10 workshifts in a row at Empire's facilities since his or her last victorious combat
From Grand Upgrade 2 : The workaholic penalty is now completely relieved only in case if the lord receives at least 0.5 skill points in the victorious combat
You can still read "Victorious"... |
Is the fsp from losing caravan acting like a workaholic removal?
Definitely no. |
you should win the battle and obtain at least 0.5 fsp to remove the penalty |
you need to win, and then 0.5 fsp pushes workaholic back by 10 enrolls
a win and only 0,2 fsp pushes the workaholic back by 4 enrolls |
a win and only 0,2 fsp pushes the workaholic back by 4 enrolls
i did'nt know that |
yes what sven says is true if you win but do not get 0.5 skill points only a fraction of the penalty is removed |
I remember that someone also said that if you win a combat before workaholic warning comes up, your 10 enrolls are renewed, even if that win didn't gain you .5 fsp (i.e. if you do a hunt assist every 9 enrolls, you'd never get the penalty). Is that true? |
for Geryon:
Nope. For example if you did 9 enrolls and then won a hunt assist with 0.1 fsp, you do NOT get 10 enrolls before you get the penalty. You will only have around 3 enrolls left. |
Bummer! |