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AuthorDark Elf faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
Is poison DE effective in hunts/merc quests?
not really
poisen de is mainly used in gb instead of hunt and merc quest
guys can anybody tell me a nice army setup for me(specially for survival tournaments). i have used all of may points in attack. i dont have spell power and magic guild. so, can andybody help me????
i'm about to go for cg with an elf.
any suggestion for lvl 9 might de agaisnt lvl9 might elf?
any suggestion for lvl 9 might de agaisnt lvl9 might elf?
you would have better chance with poisoners.
rogues can be effective against unicorns and poisoners are real pain for druids and elven bows
i plan to take max shrew in the battle ut for mino and poisoner, i should take poisoner?
minos are good for hunt and MG

poisoners are better in duels and GB. (especially against elves..)
any suggestion?
Tough call, you got unlucky with not being able to hit much with your shrews in first round, I've seen people use the Talent Tactics to get around that

I'd personally avoid taking that many poisoners along unless you knew you were fighting an elf, they are good for taking retal in combats but demons have too many hit points to have as much affect as far as damage dealers
a mage would hv been better
i have 4 morale but i'm so unlucky since they didnt trigger much.
win by morale burst and poisoner
Any body please tell me primary skills from level 5 and above to add?
Please some one tell me
Any body please tell me primary skills from level 5 and above to add?
Put everything into attck
But what about knowledge and spell power and what about magic schools?
If you want to play as might DE, than you don't need them. If you'll go as magic, than you have a lots of similar topics in previous threads. search them
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