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Author[Update] Balancing
Elves 20.4% - it only means that elves are quite good for hunts. you don`t have to use your brain that often and you rely generally on luck/critical damage.

by your logic, wizard should be the one that has most population on the server
wizards face the problem of magic resistance at higher levels, which DEs don`t care about.
a cape and staff giving about 27% piercing altogether don`t change the picture in PvP.
powerful in PvE and sickly in PvP is a characteristic contrast for magicians.
if they cannot escape with gargoyles, they get in trouble. yes, genies help very well weakening opponent`s troops and magicians can bless allies or cast magic punch, ignoring the resistance.
but the power isn`t contained in their army.

elves have high-initiative troops and can deal critical damage, e.g. to those gargoyles.
k, the units aren`t that steadfast, but most of them can deal damage before they get punished.

so, some people appreciate defence and like to destroy enemies with magic, some see the advantage in being faster and luckier.
wizard should be the one that has most population on the server
the number doesn`t say anything.
either players like elves more than other factions or they enjoy easier and faster fights.
I wouldn`t basically use statistics for arguing about factions` advantages/disadvantages. they change everyday and don`t give answers.
*Rebeling* Ringleaders slain:

Do I remember correctly that before the tooltip appearing while hovering your mouse on the Dragon's Fang icon on people's profiles used to read "Ringleaders slain - #", while now it reads: "Rebeling Ringleaders slain - #" ?

Is the *Rebeling* also part of the ... balancing update?
will barb get combat school level 3?
it wasn`t introduced on ru-server, so nothing to await on ours for the moment.
y cant we get first?
cause this server is based on ru-server changes. nothing appears here first, except unique announcements made by Arctic in English.

But they are making a project about level 3 combat school?

I hope so xD
I really do not understand the unpopularity of Demons. It looks like this is the best and most fun faction to play and yet only around 8% of the players choose it. But that's not a bad thing. It only means that less people have levels on this faction which means less resistance to it! Yay! XD
#49 Demon is a very tactical faction and sometimes Gates are hard to manage (too much pack on map) for new players in this faction. But this faction is one of the most funny and so many ways to play them... That is one of my favorite faction but still the most "unwanted"!
will barb get combat school level 3?

Combat school level 3 will come together with magic guild level 5.
But this faction is one of the most funny and so many ways to play them...

Yep. Their offensive talents cost only 7 points making them suitable for pure Might play. And if you get bored with Might, they have access to Chaos and Darkness magic schools. They get full benefits from Hunter, Mercenary, and Thief guild bonuses. They get full benefits from faction level bonuses besides improving their native Gating ability. It looks like a strong and fun race to play.
I guess Demons are more suitable for a lengthy game play in practically every scenario.

The fact that most people playing this game are either "On Work" or "At school" or somewhere else where there is always a shortage of time, prefer making use of other factions "Such as elves" That are easy in order to end a battle quick.

They damage quick and also . . . Die quick! XD

While on the other hand, playing as a Demon, you gotta put first turn in Gating. The only High Ini unit u ave are the Horses (I dont consider Cerbs as high Ini, as compared to other faction units, their Ini is kinda just above average) As soon as the Cerbs die, practically the entire damage to be dealt rests on the Horses.
Spawns and Cerbs are the only two among the three units on which majority of the Demons rely upon to do Damage. But they die even before getting their 3rd or 4th turn! =P

Left with Hell Horses, if the opponent has ranged units, the only thing one can do is Charge onto the Ranged opponent creature. But the fact that Hell Horses are Large Creatures . . . they can easily be blocked.

Thats SOME of the many gameplay problems Demons have to face . . . and I guess that's a reason why people don't prefer playing as a Demon.
for Io-AKA-oI:
Very well said mate. Demons are great at damage, but they lack shooters and HP. So they have to charge "blindly" and hope to make as much damage as possible before the enemy turns come and they die.

Losing 0.5 turns to gate and 1 turn to reach the enemy, I would prefer to have low cost defensive talents instead of offensive ones. If the demon can survive long enough, he can do a lot of damage. Right now our troops simply die to quickly...
you guys are making it more complicated than it is...

Many choose after what is the "coolest" race or what they most relate to.

I picked knight because I enjoy them in Heroes V long b4 i knew anything about their strength and weakness in this game. If I had to choose again based on this game, demon would be one of the top candidates. It is a exiting faction that is by no means weak, it is just not that popular...
^^ Agree, smtimes reasons is just simple, elf is pretty and demon is ugly.
Others is between.
I get it now. Lots of guys just want to be like Legolas! XD
^^ Hmm .. I saw many arguments here .. but for me still the one : "how to play" .. that's it .. :) Demons are hard to play .. and elves are easy to play .. so what about DE ? DE is also hard to play .. U need proper placements, then ur girls can stay longer in the battlefield .. :)

Wizards : Defensive plays --> Run with gargs and kill with heroes .. :)
Knights : Defensive-Offensive plays : U have shooters and fast striker like griffins
Barbs : They are more balance .. shooter are great +bloodlust and they have rocs +wolf raiders .. :)
Necros : Half magic - Half might .. :)

So it depends on ur taste .. :) If u like it, u will play it well .. :)
I get it now. Lots of guys just want to be like Legolas! XD

I want to be like Gimli , give me Dwarfs!!!
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