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Authorcant enroll with phone
I bought a HTC sensation today. It has flash player, I did a hunt just now using it, but I cannot enroll. When I go into a facility, I can see the code and the box where to enter it. But when I click on the box, the keyboard doesn't show up to type it in. I enrolled using my mom's phone (she has a Samsung galaxy) but I cannot enroll using my HTC. Help.
You were able to do combat on your phone...that is pretty amazing!

As for the code, did you go to java to download the newest flash players?

i like to see how combat works form phone
Correction I meant the Adobe Flash site ^^ Java..what was I thinking :S
I got a HTC too - though downloaded the Adobe Flash; can't enrol too. Only can do huntings.
Yeah I just updated the flash player and the keyboard still doesn't show up when I press the box to put in the code. Guess i'll have to get a Samsung galaxy and return this phone :(
enrolling is more critical than playing battles so I suggest you grab yourself a Samsung galaxy mobile phone=)
lol i also use a samsung galaxy, battles and enrolling work fine =P
I use a blackberry and I don't think I can do anything on this game on it ^^

I might just have to check out this Samsung Galaxy...all models work?
i have the samsung galaxy s 4G. works very well with hunts. not recommended battles much larger then that
Get a Nokia 5233..cheap and lets you do enroll.plus Ovi store is cool :-p
for sry:
are you sure ?
it is not even having android os
for GKH:
Symbian is enough :-p
with HTC you can enroll but for this you need to use Mini IE and not Mini Opera! I m using a HTC HD2 and HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5 on both! I can enroll on both with only Mini IE.

I ve no clue with Android system but i guess it s the same.
i too can enroll using samsung galaxy. my dad's nokia 6330 classic has mini opera
and enroll is not possible
I have Nokia N-8 and can do enroll but combat does not work:(

HTC can do combat?
for frozen-elf:
I have a HTC Desire and I can do combats and enrrolling.

Make sure your settings in HTC browser have javascript enabled.
Maybe try with Dolphin Browser , for me is better. ;)

If still cant enroll , maybe load a different OS , now I have a MIUI ROM loaded , but with stock rom i can also enroll.
well, this is not the game problem. so, i dont see the point to continue

closed by Pang (2011-07-17 14:30:00)
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