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AuthorNew Guild/Guilds
First off, I'd like to thank two people: Flour, for giving me the idea with her thread, and RendingBlade for all the great work he's done so far.

Now I shall introduce the Charity Guild!(And not the Beggar's Guild)

Description: A guild to give back to the wonderful communtiy that helped us form LordsWM into what it is today! Located at the Ridge of Hope.

And here's the system: When you enter, you will have to option to help out. It's the same as enrolling, like when you enter a code, but it has a major difference. After this, 10 active* players(Randomly Generated(*-Logged in during the past 7 days)) shall receive 10*n(n=guild level)Gold.

Now, this is just a taste of an idea, so feedback is welcomed to help shape this into something great! Levels/Points and more coming soon!
So... you are giving gold to strangers for free?
Well, in a way, producing gold that goes to random people. And why not? Chances are, there could be a time where I do that and YOU get gold, or the other way around.
Couple of Questions:

1.) Whats max guild level?
2.) Why just the Ridge of Hope?


1.) So, if we all start at Guild Level 0, that means 10x0=0 So no way to earn gold.

@2 I'm guessing it's like Labourer's Guild so the funds come from Empire and not necessairly him.
Max level=20 and it's in the Ridge of Hope because it should finally have something big in it.

As for the complaint, here's the new formula:

Is there any actual advantages? Do you get anything from high guild level?
Do you get anything from high guild level?drugs maybe
@5 I'd better but 10*(n+1).. 1gp ~ 0gp

@6 afai understand, the guild level is a factor in the formula for gold received: the higher the level, the more gold you receive.

But I don't think this is a good idea as I don't think admins want to give us gold for free.
@6 afai understand, the guild level is a factor in the formula for gold received: the higher the level, the more gold you receive.

If I understood it correctly 10 strangers get the gold, while you get nothing
There aren't many advantages, but for every 4th guild level you receive +1 to a parameter of your choice, and to get from level 0-1 will be easy

Haha, funny guy :P

Thanks, and I'll care to explain a bit more. And to help me with this, I'll use another guild as an example: the laborer's guild. With the Laborer's Guild, you receive money for typing in a code and enrolling. With the Charity Guild, you type in the code, and 10 players (and sometimes including yourself) will receive gold depending on your guild level. And besides, if we didn't get free gold from enrolling, we couldn't even play because we couldn't afford anything!

There's always a chance you could receive gold from when YOU do it, but most likely the other 900 apx players will do the same thing, resulting in your profit. What goes around comes around, eh?
Levels and Points (Note: the bonus chances go to you, while the gold on the right goes to others)

0 (0)- 1 gold, 100% chance to receive 2 gold
1 (10)- 11 gold, 85% chance to receive 22 gold
2 (25)- 21 gold, 70% chance to receive 42 gold
3 (50)- 31 gold, 65% chance to receive 62 gold
4 (100)- +1 Attack, 41 gold, 60% chance to receive 82 gold
5 (175)- 51 gold, 50% chance to receive 102 gold
6 (300)- 61 gold, 40% chance to receive 122 gold
7 (500)- 71 gold, 35% chance to receive 142 gold
8 (750)- +1 Defense, 81 gold, 30% chance to receive 162 gold
9 (1000)- 91 gold, 10% chance to receive 182 gold
10 (1300)- 101 gold, 2% chance to receive 202 gold
Never mind.
closed by Sullo (2011-08-04 02:36:53)
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