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Future Power Of Our Lords


AuthorFuture Power Of Our Lords
Hello mates,in my opinion this game is excellent and very enjoyable but as some of you maybe has thought, there will be a point were battles get i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e.
Our lvls 15 are all ready having tons of difficulties with extremly difficult hunts, impossible mercenary quests and TG.
Dont you think that they should think of some solutions to this problem?
Maybe they should invent loads of new monsters or make new guilds. Another good solution would be the possibility of being able to recruit more troops.
They could add some constuctions in lvls 14-16 like:(+50% of troops)
what do you think?
sorry 4 doble post:
there might be some mistakes in text cos im not english and im in a hurry
TG is always possible

and HG is possible, too, if you wanna ask for help
more troops won't resolve the problem (only temporary).

TG has no limit, unlike all the others guilds, so is CG.

New ways to play might help - some tournaments (quite a rare thing here, unfortunately), events, clan wars etc.
i suggest different types of mg like consperaters
Wait for updates I guess
Our lvls 15 are all ready having tons of difficulties with...

you should get in level 15 before make this post. those level 15 will talk for this if they feel want to BUT not you are the one represent them :\

i just wonder why all those low level keep talking on the future of the high level where they are not even 1 step close to that.
@ Jon17 : Conspirators are established .. :)
@ Apocalyptum : At level 12 we have citadel. I think that is enough .. :)
I'm with Pang; these topics are funny.

-CG was added
-the never ending ST was added
-new creatures were added several times
-level 14 tier5 upgrade was added
-level 14 mg4 was added
-level 14 tier7 was added
(as a lvl 14, i think enough was added for us)

-level 15 tier6 diamond upgrade added

Some players are reaching level 16-17 even with level 15 buildings, talents, etc.
Only thing that is *possibly* needed is CL 16.
Personally, the one thing I want above everything else is... more players.

When I joined, we used to have about 1200-1300 during peak hours. Now it's almost impossible to see online figures pass 1000.

A zillion players have been blocked (let's not go into whether they are justified or not).

While it's good to weed out the dirty and unfair ones from our community, we must balance it out with new players coming in.

Ir does seems to me that we are more active in weeding out players than bringing fresh blood into the game.

For a game to grow (and be successful), equal effort must be made on both ends. One without the other is not a good thing.

I won't go into the chicken-and-egg debate about which should comes first, 'More players = more updates' or 'More updates = more players'.

But surely more can be done to bring in new players. If every player just bring in a new player who stays, or for every country that is represented here by regular players can add just 2-3 more of their countrymen, we will be in the healthy 2000-3000+ regular online during peak hours.
...and may I add,

I have played countless online games, and nothing comes close to this.

For a really fantastic game like this (international version at that) to have such low numbers is a real travesty, and should not be allowed to happen.
The quality of the role playing experience is inversely proportional to the number of players taking part.

I read this quote on a site which has many cardinal rules of game design. The devs of this game seem to have created their game using the rules contained on the site. (Judging by the other "Laws" of design. :)

So n increases in numbers won't make the game n times better. Fact.
So n increases in numbers won't make the game n times better.

True, but it may bring more attention from the admins.
I agree with Jedi-Knight, we need new players.
If properly advertised, .com version of this game would have by far more players than .ru, because everyone loved HoMM game. HoMM had more fans than any other game, even WoW.

And new players should have a good chance. I mean that this game shouldn't be all about enrolling. There should be other options too.

And for God's sake, make the forum look much better, give us edit option and reduce the garbage of almost instantly closed topics (forum should be used for discussion, there is no reason to close topics).
well true and i cant win even those tgs.. i can do 1 of 20 mercs becose system keeps giving same quest over and over again.. hunts are damn hards and require almost all fullgear
The quality of the role playing experience is inversely proportional to the number of players taking part.
I dont fully agree with that, at this level I almost never get a decent PvP battle going on...
Really? I can usually quite easily get a decent PvP battle at lvl 7
for Pang:
not the one to represent them:S?
I now im not the one! but anyway im not trying to do so..
im always looking at their combat logs and they only hunt (an example)
230 gogs or a low number of a new creature Why? because creatures such as imps,zombies etc.. are way to difficult.
same thing with mercs.
not the one to represent them:S?
I now im not the one! but anyway im not trying to do so..
im always looking at their combat logs and they only hunt (an example)
230 gogs or a low number of a new creature Why? because creatures such as imps,zombies etc.. are way to difficult.
same thing with mercs.

again, you still not get the point. i never lack on those players complain on the max level of a player can be.

in most case, those complain always come from low level players such as YOU. in fact, you still have a long way to go with before talk on level 15. what's the point you complain at this moment? sounds like you gonna be level 15 within afew days and wanna get in level 16?

even someone wanna complain, it should be those level 15 players. but, most level 15 players should had play long enough to know that it was beyond their control. they hardly complain because they all know it is all about when will the admin update the game.

oh, at the same time, dont tell me you got a level 15 id in RU server. that's the most common used excuse for those low level to defend their statement. i m sick on that. you were in COM server now. your id in COM server is low level; so that's it, nothing else.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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