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AuthorWhy is there no way to report players anonymously.
There are a ton of players I've come across over the past few weeks, who's transfer / combat logs are clearly and without doubt in breach of the rules, however, I don't feel comfortable reporting these players in an open forum.

I whole heatedly believe that I'm not the only person who feels this way, and as such, I ask, why is there no way to report anonymously?
I have no problem with the current system. Why would you wish to point out cheaters from the shadows?
I think that this topic should be created here:

Anyway, because country "needs to know its heroes".
To prevent abuse, spam and damage caused by false anonymous reports obviously. Anonymous reports work in a very shady way most of the time. There are enough reports to process with open system. And this way when you lie in a report to cause somebody problems, it can turn against you.

Not saying anything personal(not suggesting that you would lie), but there would probably be many false reports in any anonymous reports = more than can be evaluated.
I have no problem with the current system.
what system?
The system where a report is NOT anonymous. Seems obvious :P
Because of the behind the scenes machinations that can go on with a report in CaA, I no longer bother reporting cheaters.

I see no point in making a report when you not only receive no reward, but you can receive an over the top forum penalty even when the admins agree that the players in question are cheating and need to be blocked.

well dont bother report cheater they will only be blocked in case they have hacked an account
I'd prefer to report people anonymously so as not to suffer their retribution when they read the forum, and before they are dealt with.
dont you think blackmail is a good way to defame on other? :\
may he get some problem with RL relationships^^.

btw. i have seen soooo many people doing illegal transfers and receving gold from their alts. even player that buy diamonds. besides that i think the worst people in the world r squealers. i can just follow DarwenAward. if u r not brave enought to say the truth loud and clear and may even in the face of ur opponent u should stay quiet. i dont report any1, cause i dont see, y we should do the "dirty work" while admins stay away and dont care. just poping in from time to time to do the obvious cases.

but the answer u wanted is what Omega22 says...
What he's trying to say is a new system you can report some one, without no one see your name to avoid the "cheater" din't see you posting your name, probbly because he is doing some illegal thing too.

But the administration should normaly can see your name, the system should be like send a e-mail for secretary for example...

Well, i don't think this a bad thing, or a good thing, don't make any difference for me.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Ideas and suggestions".
I'm not at all suggesting that the reporter is doing something illegal also, and I'd be more than happy to have both the reporter, and reported players investigated. i'd just prefer to do it in private, and in my experience working as staff on several other online game projects, people are more likely to report rule breakers, when they aren't doing so publicly.

On a side note, the auto-response mail when a thread gets moved, should probably be less threatening. This was posted a question, because that's what it was.
I agree with your ideia ;)

First off this was is a suggestion. Secondly those of us with a backbone have no problem reporting cheaters using the current system to do so. If you feel unable to use the current system of reporting simply don't report, or make a friend with someone who is not afraid to report in public.
Its got little to do with backbone, and there is no need mask personal attacks, just outright call me spineless.

Again, no, read it, it asks why it doesn't exist. I came back to this game again, now that I have free time, after discontinuing my official duties with several other online game support teams, where in they have private ways to report, and have been much more successful in getting players to report. I was merely questioning why it is that it isn't done here, when in my experience, and the combined experience of the many people I've worked with on these things in the past with, its much more effective to give people the right to privacy. It also means that if players are found to be innocent, then they haven't been dragged over the rocks by the public. It in no way means the false reports can't be punished.

I can see why people don't bother reporting things on the forum here though. The community isn't very community friendly here.
Like I said, things here are out in the open. Transfer logs, combat logs etc give no place for true cheaters to hide. If you have doubts whether they are even guilty at all - don't report. You owe it to the player you suspect to be thorough and not report if you have doubts.

You seem to want to give yourself the power to charge without proof (i.e. you suggest that those you report may not even be guilty) this is not fair!

Also, again; why do you wish to do this work from behind the shadows? Seems underhanded and generally reeks of the "unfriendly community" you claim we are.
I'm merely stating that I feel that the benefits of a way to report to the staff without reporting to every other person playing the game, far outweigh the drawbacks.

Screw it, I'll tear your post apart one line at a time....

Like I said, things here are out in the open. Transfer logs, combat logs etc give no place for true cheaters to hide.

We've covered that already.

If you have doubts whether they are even guilty at all - don't report. You owe it to the player you suspect to be thorough and not report if you have doubts.

Really, ya think? The stupidity of this statement astounds me. Of course you don't report someone if your not 100% confident that they are guilty.

You seem to want to give yourself the power to charge without proof (i.e. you suggest that those you report may not even be guilty) this is not fair!

It's a good thing for you that profanity is against the rules here as your accusations infuriate me. Where the hell do you get that idea I want to charge anyone, thats simply not my place nor intention. What I'm saying, is that I'd like to pass the results of an investigations I undertake onto the staff, so they can check the facts, and deal with them, and if they feel that something should be done, that's their place. I'd rather not be wrong, and out someone in public, only to find out later that the person I've "accused" (I really don't think accused is the right word here), was innocent, and that I've made half the community think said player was a cheat. If there was a way to do this behind the scenes, it could be investigated by staff, and a determination made, without it wrongly affecting peoples opinions of someone. I really don't see how the system can be fair, when anyone is able to accuse anyone else in a public forum, where they can be mauled by the community.

Also, again; why do you wish to do this work from behind the shadows? Seems underhanded and generally reeks of the "unfriendly community" you claim we are.

Read my standpoint, assuming I were suggesting it, rather than just asking about it, and you'll realize my reasoning, is the opposite of what you suggest.
You contradict yourself. If you are 100% confident they are guilty then there is not going to be a situation where they are found innocent. Careful not to get too worked up, I don't want you to bust a gut.
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