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Author3rd keeper needed
well we have this nice substitution where cbs "cant"punish players of los. and pang ain't giving penalties from afk unless its written by afker to somewhere so basically there is clan witch can choose freely do they delay combat or afk, bullshit))
[Player banned by moderator Lexa until 2011-09-16 16:42:11 // Discussions of a Keepers'/Moderators' actions on forums are forbidden + slander]
I will agree with the angry man in the forums.
agree about cbs but disagree about the fact that pang's not doing a proper job.
i am not sure, we need 3rd keeper or not.
even if we get, the person whos gonna check 1st is gonna deal with it and close that topic.
if you found a player of los violating rules, send the links the our clan leader,limustudotcom.

disagree about the fact that pang's not doing a proper job.
I think we do not need a third keeper. The problem is that both keepers are not on the same line.
Pang has been a keeper for a long time and is very consistent. He still fines according the same rules when he started as a keeper.
Cantbstopped is also very consistent, but his punishment is usually bigger than punishment from Pang.
Firstly, keepers and all admin appointed people's duty is to do the jobs assigned by admins first and clan loyalties always come second.

If you have a complaint about "officials" there is a set procedure to report this to admins/secretary. No point in writing to limustudotcom or anyone else.

As regards people going afk. There are many reasons why this may happen and most while annoying are not illegal. Keepers can ONLY fine people if they can prove that they have INTENTIONALLY gone afk. If someone does not say this in battlechat it is almost impossible to prove this and therefore keepers would be over stepping their postion by taking action.

That said, LoS like some other clans take this seriously and may impose their own penalties or requirements on members but this is aside from any official action.
like this:

RADO afk me and online again soon after this battle,
but I won't report him,

I know this is CGI game , people like it because we can play it
whenever we have time,
and sometime we leave for a phone, for other work,
or for a 20 mins dinner,

for me, I also set ambush before go to bed,
and lose for NPC caraven after 6 hours later when I get up,

So I am not afk on purpose,
I can say sorry,
some people sent apology letterto each other after their afk,
like Alyna to me, or I to Kiskoko,
we all know it's always happen,
no matter the pc who caught in ambush wear full or wear nothing,
the question is not whether you should report him or not.
Point is that one keeper closes the topic without fining the thief that went AFK and the other keeper locks the topic with giving the thief that went AFK a 5k / 10k / etc gold penalty.
So either give all of them a penalty or none.
yeah, maybe that's the point,

ADM have their way to detect people afk on purpose or just an accident,
so the topic closed because ADM think it's finished, isn't it?

actually , I don't want to waste time to argue this.
well taqq is surely abusing this fact but its not about him its about tyre los having "different" rules
(see, that's why I put you in my black list, boring.

I think ADM can raise the probability for lv15 to ambush a caravan,

then we don't wait too long to get in fight
I think we need a extra keeper but an experienced and most know player only should be a keeper.So I suggest an old and wise mod to be a keeper.Because hiring a non-mod as a keeper will be un-experienced for him.And he will fail in mostly untill he gain experience.So a mod should be recruited as keeper.We need a 3rd keeper.
see, that's why I put you in my black list, boringlol i didnt even know:p you afk only in ambushes and you know chance to get penalty doesent exist
Firstly, keepers and all admin appointed people's duty is to do the jobs assigned by admins first and clan loyalties always come second.

this happen while dark age, somehow the mod make selective moderation had been sacked immediately.

ADM have their way to detect people afk on purpose or just an accident,
so the topic closed because ADM think it's finished, isn't it?

well, i m not gonna reveal how the keeper do the job. as a keeper, we still have some internal rules to follow. you can just make all the guess you want.

feel free to read my personal page. you should found this which had been there since looog ago:

i'm not administrator, so dont ask something which cant be done :)

but, i still get countless requests which are beyond my authority.
so you can offer proof for post 12 and 15?
or it's just an insult?
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // offensive statement]
and please keep on topic.

sort your personal problem in private channel.
you mean this battle:


and you said you really afk in first several rounds,

why should I wait you 10 mins and keep stay on the computer?
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