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AuthorAdmins wake up! its time to rock n roll at .com :)
its .com or nothing
cant even communicate with those guys in chat and get constantly banned on their forums :P
its .com or nothing

online translator will help.

online translator sucks, and the flash always stuck when displaying ST or when someone summons phantom or element -- I need to change my language settings to Russian and restart to fix this problem, which is extremely annoying

and the most important thing is it's so hard to give up an account that you have spent so much time with...
its .com or nothing
thanks! admin very much for not giving up on .com and all the work
and updates you are doing here.

dont know how long you will be around but even if its for a little bit
its good to see around arctic =)
He is here
Great to see game at "life" again. Thanks and don't forgot us.
Great to see game at "life" again. Thanks and don't forgot us.
Ouch, please admin remove my aditional post. (i wait my merituos ban)
Who let the admins out? :D
He is here


even alexander wake up!
i said earlier, have faith!!!:)
Who let the admins out? :D lol +1
its .com or nothing

Awesome, can't wait to try card tourney,

Hmm go to sleep and feel refreshed for work tommorow or stay up and win tournament :D

Thanks admin!
awesome thankyou admins for the cool updates and stuff! =))
Yes, I concur. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the great update. :)
better prepare for more :D
So basically after this "bug" with stuck in battle thingy, ive lost a battle eventhough i should win it, lost durability on my items, lost 1point in reputation in mercenary-can i/we expect something in return for all this if anybody knows?
elves critical dmg list has mountain sentries now :) works happening :)
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