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Authormad caravan bug
many mad caravans come these days ..


this mad caravan : 52rocs,52rocs,52rocs,252orcs,42ogres,167goblins

i think i haven't kill a caravan with 40rocs,40rocs,40rocs,200orcs,40ogres,150goblins , so how did this mad caravan bug come to me ?
mad caravans come again and again , can't be stoped

need fix immediately !
It's not a bug.

You've beaten the same configuration caravan before:

This caravan configuration then got stronger.
And I see you've already faced:

Which was somewhat weaker than the one with 150+ rocs.

That's pretty much how TG is expected to work.
After you loose a few more ambushes to the same configuration caravan, the caravan will become manageable again. And of course, once you beat the manageable caravan, you'll get increase in strength that will seem overpowering.
I think ZGM is right
this is wrong

same type necro caravan

1st battle won = 32 Archlich


2nd battle won= 43 Archlich


3rd battle lost= 86 Lich!(yes,not Archilich but double numeber?)

Thats 100% increase in numbers
Need Edit Button

3rd battle lost= 86 Lich!(yes,not Archilich but double numeber?)

for Atheros:
I think nothing is wrong with it - after you won second time, the difficulty increased again and in 3rd battle you can see that there are less appas and vamp counts than in previous one (I don't count ordinary vamps, they aren't so strong as vamp counts). I don't know how to call it, maybe dynamic balance - sometimes even if you lose next time the same caravan can be more difficult for you because there won't be e.g. 100 ladons but 20 black dragons instead of it... There's MAYBE some 'power coefficient' and after each winning the coeff is multyplied by around 5% and each creature has its own coeff... maybe 10 archliches = 17 liches, who knows?
don't believe that balance system works .

he said +5% power , but actually +50% or more hard for me -_-#
for ZGM: I will check it later if you are right... :) I am recording all my caravans in excel and I see how the power icreases or decreases and I haven't seen any problem yet. But at your combat level it is hard to say if it is OK because you have much more troops
3rd battle lost= 86 Lich!(yes,not Archilich but double numeber?)

Thats 100% increase in numbers

You are not taking into account that the ghost/apparation/vampire numbers have also decreased. The total army strength has not doubled.

I am pretty sure that the way it works is:
There is total army strength that gets randomly distributed to different groups. You could have gotten only 40 liches surrounded by 12 stacks of 40 apparations/vampires.
It's the 'dynamic balancing'. I don't see a bug here.
closed by Magier (2011-10-01 22:35:52)
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