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Authornotice about starting of battle
sometimes when u r in a group battle or somebody accepts your duel challenge and that time u r watching your somebody's others combat u don't notice that your combat has started.
So I suggest that when yours combat has started and u r watching other battles the remaining screen should get red so u will know that your combact has started .
please give your suggestions
Why don't you go to your personal settings and alter the sound settings. I have mine on "Your turn" sound in combat only. Then turn your sound on.

That way, when you are watching the other combat, the computer will make a "ding" sound, telling you the battle has begun and you should start setting up your troops. Then you won't miss settlement.

So -1 for this suggestion as it is unnecessary.

So -1 for this suggestion as it is unnecessary.
I see,Thats how it works.Thanks a lot guys
By the time you hear the sound you have already missed setup (and thats assuming you have another window open for battle to start in).

Best option is to have 2 windows open and make the one with the battle you are watching a lot smaller then you should see the battle map load.

PS. You need to stop transfers with your multi or admins will probably block both.
oh sorry at that time I didn't know about this but now I am not doing it
By the time you hear the sound you have already missed setup

The sound first signals the start of your settlement, not your first turn.
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