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I really dont understand sometimes because when u borrow someone gold
and they get blocked for some reason
u dont get your gold back
i know the moderators cannot do anything about it which is very sad..... because empire set the rule
but i want to say that i want my 3k back...
Those who think admin suppose to set the rule like if we loan someone gold we will get it back automatically..if they fail to return the gold by the time given
Pls comment..
You should only lend gold to people you trust to return it (and probably who dont play roulette).

If you dont lend then you wont have this problem in the future.
there is also a logical reason.

lets say A lent B 100k. B uses money for roulette. if B is sucsessfull, returns money to A. if not, B quits game and create new acc, C. A gets his gold back anyway and lent 100k to C... and so on...

The story ends here :

B quits game and create new acc, C.

This won't happen for C :

A ... lent 100k to C

This won't happen for C :

It will if A also owns B & C ... & D,E,F,G,H,I, etc . . .
i have loaned for some people 1 or 2 have returned i rly recomence not to loan anyone who isnt your friend
if A owns those other accounts then they all get blocked and story ends there then ? :P
for Hallion91:

Suppose B, C, D, E, ... are not the same persons. Why would A stop from lending money if he has nothing to lose whether or not the other guy manages to return the loan? He wouldn't risk anything as he would get his money back anyway. He has no reason to stop lending money, thus way creating the exploitable system described by Baloo-the-Bear. Considering, of course, that A doesn't know that C is still B and that he has no intent to help him by exploiting the system together.

The game allows the freedom of giving loans but it comes at a risk. A risk high enough to limit such acts in a beautiful manner while still allowing the freedom of choice.
Oh come on, how dump could he be to loan again to someone he can't trust ? Isn't a one time non-returned loan missfortune enough for him ? He can do it yes, but he won't do it, that's all I meant.
how dump could he be?

never over-estimate intelligence....

it's 'dumb', by the way ;)
for Hallion91:

What is to trust when you don't lose anything anyway? That's the idea. That's the flaw of getting your money even if the other person doesn't want to give it back, or doesn't have the money, or gets blocked... There is no need for trust.
That's the idea. That's the flaw of getting your money even if the other person doesn't want to give it back

That's an idea not a fact. A very nice idea which I would gladly support to become reality indeed !! I was talking given the current loaning system, unfortunately you can't get your gold back :( The only thing you can do is get the loaner fined with double the gold he owes you, but who cares for that ? Noone is happy with that way of punishment ...
The story ends here

The story hopefully ends there, under the current rule. Hence, the current rule should stand.
one fact i trust that guy
he is very honest but he got blocked because he did not read the rules..
and create too many accounts
XD lucky i lost only 3k
but do u think admin set a right rule?
No, but nothing can be changed. If you have something to suggest about the game's functionality :

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