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AuthorLaborers Guild Points
Hey, just wondering because I wanna level up my guild points, is it +1 point for mining, +2 for machining, +x for the diamond repository. how does it work? Could someone explain this for me?

Thanks in advance.
No , at the end of work hours on this estate ( it doesnt matter which )

+1 point.
No , at the end of work hours on this estate ( it doesnt matter which )

You cant enroll in estates, they only help your recover after battle.

You get 1 LG point regardless which facility you enroll in. The only difference is the amount of wages you get.
well with labor guild you ve got 2 bonus

- Defence bonus each 2 LG level

- coef on your wage each hour ... I m lg 9 so my coef 2.6 so each time i enroll at Great Capital in sawmil for 179 gold, i win 179 + 2.6 so 465 gold

Good luck
correction 179 * 2.6 = 465 gold

I need to rest (old pat pfff)
+1 for each enrrol...

The difference is the wage you gonna receive.
closed by Lord DragonEater (2011-11-13 04:16:21)
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