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AuthorLvl 2...what To up..?for DArk elves
Hello people..if dark elves lvl 2-5 what to up point
Attack: 0(+)
Defence: 0(+)
Spell Power: 0(+)
Knowledge: +1(+)

please tell me with the good 1
knowledge, in my opinion
Attack... always attack!
well it depends on whether u are going to be a mage or might de

if u are going to be a magic based de go with spell power

if u are going to go with a might de pick attack :)
Knowledge for level 2, your magic is early good
Knowledge for level 2, attack for level 3 and 4. Then it depends on whether you want to play mage or might.
Take knowledge and spell power if you want to be magic DE

first of all you must know which path you gonna follow

there's two paths

Might and Magic

For Magic DE, all hunts, mg quests, and naetural creeps are really hard, but they are amazing on pvp.

For Might, they aren't much good on pvp, don't have much option tactical, but they are really good on huntings, mg etc.

For magic, you must get knowledge and SP

For might you must get full attack parameter.
i think magic better untill u get shrews.
after getting shrews ur shrews need attack which can prove much better than magic
attack is the best for dak elf because in future you will have strong army
Anshi, every faction will have a strong army, at least did you see the power of magic DE? mhmm?

__n3cro__ When DE reach level 8 they get Light it's very powerfull with add of SP...

I don't wanna said hey choose magic, or hey choose might...

I'll only said what both paths can do...

You will decide girl i'ts your character not mine, but if it's mine for sure i'll get magic.
Attack... always attack! !
It is not big deal low levels. you can always use potion of oblivion later
As a level 8 DE, I can tell you that unless you want to do a lot of PvP, you should choose attack.

Some points to knowledge later on could be helpful to launch disruption ray, especially during monsters quests
On low levels (1-4) magic is better.
Choose attack. magic will only be useful against elven bowmen while with attck you can hunt better
I don't disagree with anyone of you guys who suggest him to focus on attack but at levels 1-5 I don't think players need so much strength against hunts. All hunts at these levels are piece of cake and most players back then do PvP mostly, don't you forget that. If you don't want to ever use a potion of oblivion, ENRINA, then don't increase Knowledge or Spell Power at all (Spell Power should not be increased in any case IMO).

Good Luck !
knowledge definitely
Hallion, why no spell power? not even for mages?
for Hallion91:
The hunts are just as hard on any level, you may have less creatures, though you also have less of an army. If he chose to continue doing hunts then his hunts would in fact get very hard.

You should place the point on attack, incase you decide to change faction at a low level.
It does not really matter that much where you put it as you are a low level, and you can always change it

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