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AuthorHunting vs PvP
Would I get more skill points doing PvP vs Hunt considering that I could do 3 to 4 hunts to meet the equivalent of 1 win in a GB?
Hunts appear every 40 or 60 mins and the max skill points you can get is 0.5. You can do a GB in the same amount of time and even if you lose you are likely to get more skill points than that.
You can see it for yourself in your combat log where you won a 2v2 GB:


You should easily be able to do a GB in between hunts at your level and benefit from gaining skill points in both.
Some people have a habit of doing just hunt avoiding pvp so that they earn less exp and more fsp. but it only works when ur hg lvl is less than 4!
but it only works when ur hg lvl is less than 4!
Not really. Every new HG level opens new creatures to you, which would allow you to "farm" easy hunts of that creature(s) for a while.
It is in the nature of PvEr to farm and farm and farm...

When it gets too hard to farm stupid AI with overwhelming numbers, they start complaining they can not play and expect PvE-oriented events to quench their thirst to farm. I personally wish the admins introduce mini-balances rather than another event where PvEr or no-lifers can farm day and night and get rewarded with stupidly easy skill points...

Its a pity since such games are best played against other players (i.e. PvP). Yes it gets very frustrating when you team up with an idiot or players who makes really stupid moves (I do that myself and I learn...) but after a while they become better and have very rewarding battles (where the challenge is more important than the 'fear/phobia' of losing).
"farm"ing is more relaxing and gold-gaining.

Plus, we have PvP events too, everyone can choose what they like (I choose all of 'em of course :))

Anyway, this gets off-topic.
Most times PvP gives more fsp than hunts do.
However gives more exp then hunts do[Obviously]

The most efficent way to farm FSP and still gain something doing it [Without lvling ofc] is to hunt. <--- Main point right there.

However! MG quests {wondering why no1 has brought this up] Is like a harder hunt but with creatures and u gain 300 xp min 0.5 FSP IF u win.[Suggested for high level farmers,8+].
The most efficent way to farm FSP and still gain something doing it [Without lvling ofc] is to hunt. <--- Main point right there.

Yes... initially. Sooner or later your hunts will get harder and start giving you a lot of exp but the same amount of fsp. The same applies for MG.
Yes... initially

Which is why PvP is there for us =]
Would I get more skill points doing PvP vs Hunt considering that I could do 3 to 4 hunts to meet the equivalent of 1 win in a GB?

You don't hunt for the skill points. You hunt for the gold and the loot and the guild points. At very high levels, hunting gives you horrible FSP to XP ratio but it gets very profitable in terms of gold bounty. I have seen some creatures that give over 300 gold.
You don't hunt for the skill points. You hunt for the gold and the loot and the guild points. At very high levels, hunting gives you horrible FSP to XP ratio but it gets very profitable in terms of gold bounty. I have seen some creatures that give over 300 gold.

i hunted creatures for over 550 gold
i hunted creatures for over 550 gold

And you're only Level 9. I suspect that part of the reason why the admins implemented the minimum AP rule way back then was because there is no hard cap to the amount of gold that you could get from hunting. Gold bounty keeps going up but the AP requirement stops at 9 AP. It's all a matter of hunt management and keeping your level at pace with the strength of monsters to keep the gold flowing in. I'm trying to see if I could eliminate enrolling altogether. XD
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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