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Mounts based on faction


AuthorMounts based on faction
i have been thinking if there were mounts based on faction (as the topic says)

1)they would be built (like stables) in castle

2)you can get mount like unicorn depending on your level like if ur level 8 and a elf only then u can get a uni as ur mount or the basic in the artifact shop.. and then if u level up to like level 12 so u can get a green dragon =D

3)griffin at level 5 for only knights...

4)dark elf will be riding on Liz cavalry

5)Necromancer on skeletal dragons

6)demon's on hell horse

7)wizard on BMW K1200S 8D (if this becomes true i am gonna change my faction as soon as possible O_O)

These are only ADDITIONAL ones if u dont wanna go with them u can do with the Artifact shop ones and ofc the prices will be costly than the ones in the artifact shop >_> just to make it fair

oh and i havent been able to decide what to do for magi and necro any idea guys?
Sounds fun to have. And each ride should have their own special bonuses (Eg. Hell horses reducing ambush chance by 5% because they're scary :P) Wizards get genies? Necros get a thrones carried by their troops?

But it needs to be more detailed, so I'll give it a +0.5 for now. Hope you like my ideas.
Sounds fun but what about the current mount shop?
Actually, the BMW idea isn't so bad.. :D

Else, wizard could fly on a cloud! (yay!)
well wiz cud have magically increased gargs size and cud have flew on the xD
]Sounds fun but what about the current mount shop?

These are only ADDITIONAL ones if u dont wanna go with them u can do with the Artifact shop ones and ofc the prices will be costly than the ones in the artifact shop >_> just to make it fair[/quote
race unique mounts sound cool
3)griffin at level 5 for only knights...

4)dark elf will be riding on Liz cavalry

5)Necromancer on skeletal dragons

so necro get mounts when reached level 14 ? would be unfair.

current mount is good. no need to change.
nah they can get some other mount like... yea i still dont hav any ideas for necro ;-; but as i said "additional" since we can have our own uni and grifs which can be also used for transport unit so i just...
how about babarian
wolf behemoth
+1 nice idea ... :) since CL 5, can get rides, and will be upgraded at CL 8, 12 and 15 ^^
+1 but should be based on faction level and not CL
+1, good idea)
Rocs for barb
Griffs for Knight
Magic Cloud for wiz
Liz Calv for DE
Uni for Elf
Hell Horse for Demon
Throne carried by skelles for Necro

Dragons are to Majestic for being ridden xD
should be based on faction level and not CL

so people that play all factions won't get the bonus? it should be based on CL, but you would have to purchase/upgrade it in each castle for each faction. just like regular buildings
Knights : Paladin Horse
Wizards : Magical Carpet, like Aladin
Necros : Skeletal Bird
Barbs : Rocs
Demons : Hell Horse
Elfs : Unicorns
DE : Liz Cavalries (based on HOMM the hero also rides lizards)
+++++++good idead
but should be as early as possible
say level 7 or 8
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