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Authorvanguard combat
Hey when do the vanguard combats take place ?
How do you get the various achievements like the pit demons blade
I assume you are referring to the events that sometimes happen on the server in which players can form vanguards of up to 3 players to attack creatures.

There is no specific time for when an event will happen. They will occur when the administration decides to implement a new event for us.

There is a guide to achievements here, http://www.warriors-guild.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1586 - which hopefully will detail all you need to know about the various achievements that are or were available to players on the server.
Earlier in lordswm some events had taken place where you had to fight off hoards of waves of demons and necromancers.
Those who perfromed well in those events got achievements like pit demon's blade etc etc.
Now the event has expired so the only way you can get the blade is buy it from someone,but the achievement won't show on your profile.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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