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AuthorRemove the eviction power of recruiter
The recruiter of the clan should not have the power to evict players from clan. Because you never what the new recruiter has in its mind and he may evict the players from clan.
Some of the clans have already been destroyed by this.
-1 dont have him in your clan only recruit good friends
for LWMking1:
You never know who will be a good recruiter.
And moreover for what purpose the recruiter should have this power ?
I imagine that it was envisioned that the recruiter might have to evict an old, inactive player to make room for a new, more desirable recruit.

Eviction power should be made optional because it can destroy the whole clan.
yep I agree but I am a recruiter my self but only got that post after creating faith in the leader so I suggest 2 the leaders only keep trustful people as the recruiter
Any decent clan will be very careful with who it names a recruiter.
+1 for making it optional
for Barbarian-Fishy:
we are here discussing it for all clans
yep I agree but I am a recruiter my self but only got that post after creating faith in the leader so I suggest 2 the leaders only keep trustful people as the recruiter
Well its my clan rule tht no plyer cannot be a recriter b4 lvl 8
+1 for making it optional
+1 for making it optional
+1 for making it optional
I understand we are discussing all clans. My point is, it is up to clans to police who they let have positions in the clan. If they give power to the wrong person, that's their fault. The game shouldn't need to put in rules to baby that clan.
I see that many clan leaders are blocked .. :) so heralds, recruiters and treasurers should have power to evict players .. :)
for _TheShaman_:
Treasurer can have the post of leader after sending mail to secretary and moreover why the players need to be evicted from that clan
Simple. Only give the post of recruiter to people you trust. Never give out the post to anyone and everyone.

Or better yet, handle all recruiting yourself. It's not the recruiters that destroy clans, it's the clan leaders that assign the Recruiter posts indiscriminately. Can't push the blame there.
@19: totally agreed

@GKH: for that matter, the power to withdraw clan funds can also destroy clans; so do we put in place a system for 2 or more "signatories" before anybody can even withdraw 1 gold?
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