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AuthorSharing one network
Hi, I have a question about sharing one acces point(router). When me and my brother want to play togather, we represent our selves to the server with one IP(router IP), but we have our own PCs(different MAC). So my question is: "Is there a problem if we play togather(duels, group battles, tavern) from one network through one router, but from different PCs?
Hope for reply, thanks
you can do battles if your on different computers or even on the same computer if hes your brother but u will still get blocked LOL
So there is no way how to play togather in same network. If not, it´s really stupid then. What if I connect to someone, who I don´t know, but he is connected to the internet through the same network, like me. Do we both get banned though we don´t know each other, not even we are connected though same network?
We not make the rules.

If you have same ip connection yes, will be banned don't matter if it's your brother, mother, father, cousin, dog, bird, friend, unknown...

This rule is made to try avoid staged combats.
OK, I accept this, but it also diables these combats, when there are many people in one network connected to the internet and they want to play a group battle, sitting next to each other. And one last question. If I am connected throug another network, will you have anything against it?
Due to the time gap between my last question and this message, either nobody wants to read this topic or there is nothing you could possibly have anything against it and due to my knowledge of PC netwotks, I think there is no way how to find us, we will be just random people from random places playing togather >:D and even if you try to find us, we can always change our MAC adresses or ask our ISP to change us the IP of the router if its not dynamic. Well, I thank you for info and BYE :)
You are so full of yourself..

the only people that could give you a definite answer are admins and mods.

It is pointless to get answers from normal player, as "we" don't make the rules, nor enforce them. Therefore the reason why nobody answered your unanswerable question on #5 in that "enormous" 26 minutes gap, is: they chose wisdom.

As of myself, if you really need to know about what i think of it: couldn't care less of what you and your brother will do.

Hope that makes you happy.
Due to the time gap between my last question and this message, either nobody wants to read this topic or there is nothing you could possibly have anything against it and due to my knowledge of PC netwotks, I think there is no way how to find us, we will be just random people from random places playing togather >:D and even if you try to find us, we can always change our MAC adresses or ask our ISP to change us the IP of the router if its not dynamic. Well, I thank you for info and BYE :)

Yeah, enjoy breaking the rules and dream of not being blocked in the future. It will be fun as long as it last.
Ofc u can. Look what do those "boy" and "girl" cheater


So conclusion is u can do almost everything :))
It seems, that you think I want to create antoher account in this game and then do staged combats. You may think that, but thats not the point of my interest. I just asked if we can play togather in one network, and the answer was that we cant play, but you are not sure, and then adviced me to write admin, well then. The last question is: Is the character "Secretary" admin in the game?
If you EVER play on same IP then any battles and/or transfers will most likely lead to punishment from the admins. You may get away with it for months or even years but that just means you lose much more time and effort when they eventually catch up with you.

Is the character "Secretary" admin in the game? Secretary is a generic character used by various admins as and when needed.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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