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[poll] Join the Russian server


Author[poll] Join the Russian server
+1 to Zephyranna, well said

for LordNekr:
7) Just look what text I see in battles on .ru:
Names with Russian letters also shown as garbage:
(the same thing is in card game)
People pls stay polite, give the best of you and good exmple to others.

P.S. Queen (or Mods) I suggest to close this thread as it doesn't go anywhere (IMO).
And about the hunting guild medal

Does English server's player follow the current record?or .ru record?

Some players crazy about the hunting medal tho

So how to solve this?
No, pointless especially that many .com players are not following old saying:
"better to be a beggar in Rome, that an aristocrat in the province"

enjoy being petty lords gentleman ;)
yes yes yes too boring here
for Boire:
Just what kind of saying is that ?
Of course noone would follow that rephrased saying of yours, you wanna be a beggar in Rome ? It's quite easy, go and be a beggar in Rome, it's harder to be an aristocrat in the province, I assure you.

"I would rather be first in a small village in Gaul than second in command in Rome"

-Julius Caesar

enjoy being petty lords gentleman
Yeah go on .ru, guys there are called "heroes" instead of "lords", oh it's so great.
russian racists. .. .
[Player banned by moderator Magier until 2012-02-28 18:18:46 // provoking]
russian racists. .. .

It's fine with you as long as you are Swedish, i.e. blond hair and blue eyes. :)
for Robai:
admins are looking in ru,they will help u.
Again: 7. Falling down to interpersonal quarrels between players is strictly forbidden in this thread. Discuss your relations via Private mail, please.

for Robai:
Just change your browser settings to cyrillic.
Queen (or Mods) I suggest to close this thread as it doesn't go anywhere (IMO). It's quite easy, go and be a beggar in Rome, it's harder to be an aristocrat in the province, I assure you."I would rather be first in a small village in Gaul than second in command in Rome"

-Julius Caesar

enjoy being petty lords gentleman
Yeah go on .ru, guys there are called "heroes" instead of "lords", oh it's so great.
Just close this thread please it is really becoming pathetic. We can t even get announcments and you expect admins will ask us if we want too go too .ru and that this yes or no will change anything...
ask in russian forum if players are willing to join .com^^

im not nativespeaker, but language is a prob for many players, english is THE language of internet so i will never join .ru although there are more events andd admins care about this server coz they earn money with it...
It's fine with you as long as you are Swedish, i.e. blond hair and blue eyes. :)

almost. blue eyes are very much correct =)

ru. should get translator to players that actually works..
So Queen what is the result?
its gonna take some time coz only a few ppl have "actually" given their vote..
I say yes only if the language of the .ru change in to international English.
yes! pls merge us with the russians.... but dont forget to add the english language option!
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